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李开复罹患淋巴癌 网友纷纷表达问候


An unusual somberness fell over the normally raucous Chinese Internet on Friday as news spread that one of the country's most influential tech figures and biggest social media stars has been diagnosed with cancer.

Lee Kai-fu, former head of China operations for Google, first suggested that he had been hit with the disease in a somewhat cryptic post on his verified Sina Weibo microblog feed late Thursday night.
前谷歌(Google)大中华区总裁李开复(Lee Kai-fu)上周四晚间在其新浪认证微博账户中发布了一篇隐晦的微博,最先暗示自己罹患癌症。

'The world is mutable and life has limits, ' he wrote. 'It turns out that everyone is equal in the face of cancer.'

In a second, more detailed post Friday morning, he revealed that he had lymphoma, a type of blood cancer that affects white blood cells. Mr. Lee, 52, confirmed the diagnosis in an email.

李开复罹患淋巴癌 网友纷纷表达问候

By Friday evening, the two posts had been reposted a total of more than 250, 000 times and garnered more than 300, 000 comments. The news was also the most-searched topic on China's biggest search engine, Baidu.

Mr. Lee, who is Taiwanese, is one of the most celebrated executives in the Chinese tech world, thanks largely to his work heading up the China operations of Microsoft and later Google. Microsoft sued him in an effort to keep him from moving to Google, which he left in 2009 to launch venture-capital fund Innovation Works.
李开复是台湾人,他是中国科技圈中最知名的高管之一,这主要是因为他曾担任微软(Microsoft)中国业务负责人,之后还曾担任谷歌大中华区总裁。微软曾起诉李开复,以便阻止他加盟谷歌。2009年,李开复离开谷歌,成立了风投基金创新工场(Innovation Works)。

In his email to China Real Time, Mr. Lee said the cancer had made him second-guess the physical sacrifices he had made during his career. 'I naively used to compete with others to see who could sleep less. I made 'fighting to the death' a personal motto, ' he wrote. 'It's only now, when I'm suddenly faced with possibly losing 30 years of life, that I've been able to calm down and reconsider. That sort of persistence may have been a mistake.'
李开复在致“中国实时报”(China Real Time)栏目的电子邮件中说,癌症令他反思自己在职业生涯中身体健康上做出的牺牲。他写道,我曾天真的和人比赛谁的睡眠更少。努力把“拼命”作为自己的一个标签。只有到现在,当我突然面对也许会失去30年生命的可能时,我才冷静下来反思。这种以健康为代价的坚持,不一定是对的。

In recent years, Mr. Lee has become at least as well known for his activity on Sina Weibo, China's equivalent to Twitter, where he has more than 51 million followers. (He also posts in English on Twitter , where he has just over a million followers.)

The executive is a leading member of the so-called 'Big V' class of commentators on Weibo, influential users whose accounts are stamped with the letter 'V' to indicate their verified status. Propaganda authorities have recently taken aim at the Big Vs -- particularly those, like Mr. Lee, who have been critical of censorship -- urging them to be more 'constructive' in what they say online.

Mr. Lee's accounts on Sina Weibo and a similar service run by Tencent were suspended for three days in February, shortly after he posted a message questioning the management of a state-run search engine.

Though conservative Internet users have on occasion been viciously critical of the U.S.-educated Mr. Lee, whom they see as an agent of the West, response to the news of his cancer was overwhelmingly sympathetic Friday as microbloggers flooded his feed with get-well messages.

'Seeing all this concern and support, I'm genuinely moved!' he wrote in response. 'Illness is a part of life. I plan to face life's vagaries with a more positive mindset.'

His new plan: 'Sleep enough, adjust my diet and start exercising again.'