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So why do so many people suffer from the midday blahs?

According to Charles Czeisler, director of Harvard Medical School's Division of Sleep Medicine, the internal biological clock in the brain's hypothalamus guides daily rhythms of your body temperature, melatonin, blood pressure, sleep and wakefulness.
哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School)睡眠医学部(Division of Sleep Medicine)的负责人查尔斯・蔡斯勒(Charles Czeisler)表示,位于丘脑下部的体内生物钟调控着你每天的体温、褪黑素分泌、血压、睡眠和清醒节律。

As the drive for sleep builds up during the day, it produces midday sleepiness for many people, Dr. Czeisler says. It also causes a surge in alertness that peaks in the late evening, he says. Exposure to artificial light in the evening can extend that second wind into the night, making it difficult to fall asleep and deepening the midday trough in alertness, he says.

Sitting for a long stretch of time can make people feel more tired, says Natalie Muth, a San Diego primary-care pediatrician and health-care solutions director at the American Council on Exercise, a noNPRofit that provides fitness certification and training. Moving your body, even for just a few minutes, can get the blood pumping in your body. 'The heart begins to beat faster, delivering more blood and oxygen to working cells,' says Dr. Muth. This increases the release of hormones like endorphins, which not only help people feel good, but also reverses fatigue.
迭戈的家庭儿科医生、美国运动协会(American Council on Exercise)(这是一家提供健身认证和训练的非盈利机构)医疗保健解决方案负责人纳塔莉・穆特(Natalie Muth)称,久坐会让人感觉更加疲惫。活动一下身体,哪怕只有几分钟,也能够让血液注入你的身体。穆特称:“心脏开始加速跳动,向工作细胞输送更多血液和氧气。”这会促进内啡?等荷尔蒙的释放,不仅能让人感觉更舒服,还能消除疲劳。

Ms. Malaythong says staying energized involves trial and error, perhaps tweaking the intensity of a weekly workout routine, trying to eat more nutritiously, staying hydrated and getting enough sleep. And she emphasizes the importance of moving throughout the day. She tells clients to climb stairs, do upper-body stretches, go for brisk 10-minute walks, or write the ABC's with their big toe at their desks. 'I encourage as much activity as they can handle,' she says.