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潘石屹接受采访口吃 大V也害怕?


潘石屹接受采访口吃 大V也害怕?

With the klieg lights of Chinese government scrutiny shining brighter than ever on social media, and the threat of prison lurking in the shadows for those whose online missteps reach a mass audience, China's most influential microbloggers have plenty of reason to be nervous.

Evidence of just how jittery at least one of them is arrived on Wednesday night, when state-run China Central Television broadcast footage of real estate mogul and microblogging megastar Pan Shiyi struggling to answers questions in an interview.
他们到底有多紧张?至少在周三晚间中国中央电视台(China Central Television)播放的采访视频中,地产大亨、微博名人潘石屹在回答问题时就显得有些费力。

Mr. Pan, who boasts more than 16 million followers on Sina Corp.'s popular Twitter-like Weibo microblogging service, is typically a smooth-talker, whether in person or on camera. Facing a CCTV reporter's question about the social responsibilities of influential Weibo users - known as 'Big V's' because a letter 'v' marks their accounts as verified--Mr. Pan developed a sudden stutter.
在类似推特(Twitter)的新浪公司(Sina Corp.)旗下微博(Weibo)上拥有1,600万粉丝的潘石屹通常都很健谈,无论是与人交谈还是在镜头前。但是面对中央电视台一位记者有关微博有影响力用户(又称“大V”用户,字母“V”代表其账户已经过实名认证)社会职责的提问时,潘石屹突然出现口吃。

'I-I-I I feel that 'Big Vs' -- people with a lot of f-f-f-fans -- should have even higher requirements of themselves, should have more d-d-discipline. You can't be so c-c-casual, ' Mr. Pan told his interviewer, punctuating each repeated syllable with a thrust of his hand as if to push the words out of his mouth (in Chinese).

The co-founder and chairman of real estate developer Soho China, Mr. Pan is one of a number of successful entrepreneurs who've earned large audiences online for their willingness to criticize the government. He has been particularly active on environmental issues. In 2011, he spearheaded what many regard as the clearest example of the power of social media to influence policy by the authoritarian state: a Weibo campaign that forced authorities in Beijing to finally release more accurate air-pollution data.
潘石屹是房地产开发商SOHO中国有限公司(Soho China)的联合创始人兼董事长,也是愿意批评政府而在网上赢得大批粉丝的诸多成功企业家之一。潘石屹在环境问题上尤其积极。2011年,他带头在微博上发起运动,迫使北京当局最终公布更准确的空气污染数据。此事被很多人看作是社交媒体力量影响这个威权国家政策的最明显事例。