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潘石屹接受采访口吃 大V也害怕?

The CCTV interview came amid a government campaign to gain control over the more freewheeling social media, particularly by putting pressure on influential social media users. This week, China's highest court issued a judicial interpretation saying Internet users could face up to three-years in prison for posting rumors or slanderous content that attracts at least 5, 000 hits or is reposted at least 500 times. Last month, CCTV gave big play to a story on Chinese-American Charles Xue, another Big V known as Xue Manzi, who was detained on suspicion of soliciting prostitutes in a case interpreted by many social media users as a warning to Big Vs.
潘石屹接受央视采访正逢中国政府向有影响力的社交媒体用户施压之际,政府这么做是为了获得对相对自由的社交媒体的控制权。本周中国最高人民法院发布司法解释,说互联网用户散布的谣言或诽谤性内容被点击5,000次以上或转发500次以上,有可能最高获刑三年。上个月,央视就美籍华人薛必群(Charles Xue,另一名网络大V,微博名是薛蛮子)因涉嫌嫖妓被捕一事进行了大幅报道。很多社交媒体用户认为这是对网络大V的警告。

Writing on Weibo, Mr. Pan admitted to being nervous about the interview, describing a phone conversation with another Big V who advised him to avoid it at all costs. 'I said, 'It's too late, they're already 20 meters away and walking toward me.'' Mr. Pan wrote (in Chinese), then he quoted his friend saying: ''Then just tell them you think slander and creating rumors are shameful.''

In keeping with tradition, Weibo users opted to respond to the sight of Mr. Pan's skittishness with an outpouring of snark.

'Boss Pan s-s-s-scared to death, ' wrote legal scholar and prolific microblogger Xu Xin, who then applied the stuttering meme to a number of his other posts.

'I thought my TV was broken, ' wrote another Weibo user. 'I pounded on it a bunch of times.'