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同事交恶怎么办 别忘了微笑


Workers have new tasks on their to-do list: Say hello to colleagues. Don't forget to smile.

Companies may be reluctant to admit their offices are anything less than pleasant, but incivility -- think belittling barbs or gruff responses -- can lead to lost productivity, creativity and talent. As employees who are forced to do more work with fewer resources become more stressed, the rudeness is ramping up. So firms are urging staffers to play nice.

Uncivil behavior can 'spread like a virus across teams, ' says Elizabeth Holloway, a professor of psychology at Antioch University and civility consultant.
美国安蒂奥克大学(Antioch University)的心理学教授、礼仪顾问伊丽莎白·霍洛韦(Elizabeth Holloway)说,不文明的行为会“像病毒一样在团队中传播”。

同事交恶怎么办 别忘了微笑

Some 96% of workers say they have experienced uncivil behavior and 98% have witnessed it, according to a continuing study by Georgetown University and Thunderbird School of Global Management of nearly 3, 000 participants.
根据美国乔治敦大学(Georgetown University)和雷鸟国际管理学院(Thunderbird School of Global Management)对近3,000名参与者进行的一项持续研究显示,大约96%的员工说他们曾遭遇过无礼的行为,98%的员工亲眼目睹过。

Meanwhile, 25% of workers surveyed in a 1998 study said that they were treated rudely at least once a week, but a separate 2011 study showed that 50% of workers felt they were treated rudely at least once a week.

At the National Security Agency, an intelligence analyst invited workers to adorn a desktop metal tree -- the 'civilitree' -- with the names of kind co-workers as part of a yearlong agency effort to bring more warmth to the U.S. government workplace. Meanwhile, managers encouraged workers to pay someone a compliment or show up early for a meeting, by sprinkling 'challenge cards' across the cafeteria and in the restrooms. Employees who did good deeds were honored as 'civility stars, ' rewarded with plaques and, in one instance, extra time off -- all in the name of increased cordiality among colleagues, according to the NSA's director of equal employment opportunity and diversity.
在美国国家安全局(the National Security Agency,简称NSA),一名情报分析员邀请员工用友善的同事的名字装点一棵桌面上的金属树——“文明树”,将其作为这家美国政府机构历时一年的送温暖活动的一部分。同时,管理者在餐厅和洗手间里到处点缀着“挑战卡”(challenge cards),以鼓励员工对某人表示赞赏或者开会时早早到场。做了好事的员工会被授予“礼貌之星”(civility stars)的荣誉,得到奖章,有一次还被奖励了额外的休假时间——按NSA负责平等就业机会与多元化的主管的话来说,这一切都是以同事间的情谊得到增强的名义开展的。

Even Dish Network Corp., which topped financial-news website 24/7 Wall St.'s list of 'the worst companies to work for' based on employee feedback, is trying to take a kinder, gentler approach.
即便是卫星电视公司(Dish Network Corp.),这家在财经新闻网站24/7 Wall St. “最不适宜履职的公司”排行榜(依据员工的反馈排名)上高居榜首的企业也在努力走更友善、更温和的路线。

Chief Executive Joseph Clayton, who took the helm of the satellite-television company in 2011, says he has been pushing to lighten the mood at the firm's Denver offices.
2011年开始执掌这家卫星电视公司的首席执行长约瑟夫·克莱顿(Joseph Clayton)说,他一直在公司的丹佛(Denver)事业部推动放松情绪的工作。

That has meant summertime concerts for employees and their families and a softened stance toward the company's strict attendance policy. The company no longer requires workers to scan in by fingerprint and gives managers more discretion to allow a parent to leave to take a child to preschool, for example.

'I wanted it to be a more fun place to work, ' Mr. Clayton says. 'I think people have a responsibility to treat everybody else the way they want to be treated.'

He is quick to note that the new policies don't change Dish's core priorities, which include 'winning' and 'being incredibly driven.'