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同事交恶怎么办 别忘了微笑

But the changes are a long way from the warm-and-fuzzy corporate culture of Southwest Airlines Co., where an entire department is devoted to sending employees supportive notes when a family member is ill or congratulations when they have a baby. 'We have people here who remember our birthdays when our family members don't, ' says Ellen Torbert, the company's vice president of diversity and inclusion.
然而这些变化与美国西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines Co.)温馨舒适的公司文化相差甚远。在西南航空公司,专门有一整个部门负责在员工家属生病的时候向员工发送支助通知或在他们生孩子的时候发出贺信。公司负责多元化和包容性的副总裁埃伦·托伯特(Ellen Torbert)说,“在我们的家人没记住我们生日的时候,公司这里有人记住了。”

And if workplaces become sullen and demoralizing? Workers in toxic environments have difficulty concentrating and processing information, says Christine Porath, who studies incivility at Georgetown's McDonough School of Business.
假如工作单位变得死气沉沉、令人丧气,那会出现什么情况呢?在乔治敦大学麦克多诺商学院(McDonough School of Business)研究不文明行为的克里斯蒂娜·波拉特(Christine Porath)说,在恶劣环境中工作的员工不容易集中精力和处理信息。

Victims of incivility dial back their work effort and are more likely to lash out, Ms. Porath says. And the costs can be steep: Networking-equipment company Cisco Systems Inc. in 2007 estimated the cost of incivility in its organization topped $8.3 million annually, Ms. Porath says. That figure takes into account turnover, employees' weakened commitment to the company and work time that was lost to worrying about future bad behavior.
波拉特说,无礼行为的受害者会在工作上有所懈怠,他们也更容易责骂他人。波拉特还说,由此付出的代价可能会很高:2007年,网络设备制造企业思科系统公司(Cisco Systems Inc.)估计失礼行为每年在该公司造成的损失超过了830万美元(约合人民币5,063万元),这个数字的计算包括了人员流动、员工对公司的忠诚度减弱以及因为担心未来的不良行为而损失的工作时间。

Some organizations are setting rules to foster friendliness. At Louisiana's Ochsner Health System, employees are required to follow the '10/5 rule, ' making eye contact with anyone within 10 feet and greeting anyone within five feet.
有些公司在制订规则,以培养友好气氛。在路易斯安那州的奥克斯纳卫生系统(Ochsner Health System),员工被要求遵守“10/5规则”(10/5 rule),与任何人在十英尺(约合3米)的范围内都要用眼神交流,在五英尺(约合1.5米)之内要问候对方。

There is also a 'no venting' rule; a nurse upset about a missing chart or a doctor having difficulty with the computer system has to retreat to a 'safe zone' -- such as a private nursing-manager's office -- to express frustration, says Kara Greer, the health system's vice president of talent management. Employee evaluations take into consideration whether workers follow the procedure.

Employees who have been on the receiving end of workplace incivility say it was a major factor in their decision to seek work elsewhere. A July survey of 1, 000 people from public-relations firm Weber Shandwick found that 26% of respondents had quit a job because of an uncivil workplace.
还有一条“不许迁怒于人”(no venting)的规则。这家卫生系统负责人才管理的副总裁卡拉·格里尔(Kara Greer)说,因找不到一份图表而心烦意乱的护士或遇到电脑系统出问题的医生必须回到一个“安全地带”——比如护士长的专用办公室——去表达不满。员工考核会考虑他们是否遵循了这一程序。

Not all managers believe capitalism and kindness go together. Ray Dalio, the founder of hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, implores his staff to swiftly fire people if they aren't a good fit for the firm and extols 'accurate criticisms' as more valuable than compliments, according to a document which outlines his principles, available on the Bridgewater website. The firm didn't respond to requests for comment.
在单位里成为无礼行为受气包的员工说这是他们决定到别处另谋工作的主要因素。公关公司万博宣伟(Weber Shandwick)7月对1,000人所做的调查发现,26%的受访者都曾经因为无礼不友善的工作环境而辞过职。

'It is your job as a manager to get at truth and excellence, ' Mr. Dalio writes, 'not to make people happy.'
不是所有管理者都相信生财之道和善意之举能共生共存。对冲基金公司桥水联合基金公司(Bridgewater Associates)的创始人雷·戴利奥(Dalio)恳请他的职员,如果有人不适合这家公司,要快刀斩乱麻地将其解雇。根据在桥水联合基金公司网站上看到的一份概述戴利奥原则的文件显示,他鼓吹“准确的批评”比赞美之词更有价值。该公司对予以置评的请求没有作出回应。