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It hard to have a conversation these days. Everyone is so distracted.

Interruptions, multi-tasking, and technology distract us from having even the simplest of conversations. How do you ensure that you are present when you are having a conversation?

I once worked for a boss that wasn’t a good listener. One day, I was in his office for a one-on-one meeting. Before the meeting even got started his phone rang, and he proceeded to talk to a friend for 10 minutes while I sat there. A few minutes into the meeting his was reading incoming emails on his computer screen. Then, a couple of minutes later a colleague appeared in the doorway. Instead of saying he was busy, he proceeded to discuss his weekend adventures.
我以前的一个老板就不是一个善于倾听的人。有一天,我在他办公室与他一对一交谈。在交谈开始前他的电话就响了,他跟朋友一直聊了10分钟,而我坐在那儿等。交谈开始后的几分钟里,他一直盯着电脑屏幕,阅读接收到的邮件。又过了几分钟 一位同事出现在门口。他没有说他在忙,而是转入关于周末探险的讨论。


How would this situation make you feel? “Don’t let the phone, interruptions, or other work take precedence over the person sitting front of you.”

Of course, I didn’t feel like sharing anything else. How could I compete with all those other interruptions. It felt like anything I was saying was third-rate.

When someone is speaking with you, they want to be heard. Make sure you give them your full attention. Here are 10 Ways to “Be Present” and be a better Listener:

1. Body Language

Don’t underestimate the power of body language. What you do with your body while you are in a conversation says much more than any words. As much as 80% of what we convey in a conversation is non-verbal. Face the other person. Present an open posture. A little body language goes a long way.

2. Listen

Listen, plain and simple. Nothing stops a conversation colder than, “Could you repeat that?” Listen like you were going to have to repeat back to them what they have told you.

3. Acknowledge

We need signs that we are being heard. Conversation cues and acknowledgements are part of how we communicate. If you doubt this, the next time you are on a phone call simply stop making any noise while the other person is speaking. Within a few moments the other person will stop and ask, “Are you still there?”

4. Don’t Sit Across the Desk

Sitting across the desk puts a barrier between you and who you are meeting with. Come out from behind your desk and meet. A small meeting table is always better than the “wall” that a desk presents.

5. Make Them Your Top Priority

When you are listening to someone, don’t take calls or let someone else who walks up take precedence over the current conversation. When you are with someone, make them priority.