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4. Action

Action is key. People talk about visualization and the law of attraction, which is fine, but it won’t get you what you want. Things will not magically manifest in your life unless you take action.

It is only when you take action, when you commit, that things will start to happen. When you show you are willing to do this, that’s when your life will change. Jump and the support net will appear beneath you.

So, what did I do? I focused on my next smallest step. I was confused, and I still am from time to time, but I just focused on what I needed to do next. I’ve built a successful online business around my passion. When I was building it, all I did was focus on my next smallest step.

5. Commitment

I believe one of the most important factors of my success was my commitment to making it work.

I stopped looking for permission. I took back my power and I used what I had to get the results I needed. I committed to what I was doing. I no longer looked for permission to do anything. I just did it.

You have to commit to what you are doing. It ís not about maybe achieving your dreams. It’s about making it happen. You either do it or you die trying. It’s not a question of if, but a question of WHEN.

6. Proper Expectations

Most people give up before they see the first sign of success. That’s why you need to have the proper expectations.

You cannot expect to live the lifestyle you want in 6 months. There are a lot of products promising you that, but that’s just marketing hype.

Ignore it. And embrace reality. This will take longer than you expect, but shorter than you fear. And besides, who cares how long it takes? Are you going to give up on your dreams and live the rest of your life in regret? That’s unacceptable.

7. Excuse Management

And finally, you have to fine-tune your internal bullshit detector.

You will have excuses. We all have reasons for why we can't do something. But if you truly want results, you have to get proficient at swiping your excuses to the side.

In the end, the difference between those living their dreams, and those who are just getting by, is their mindset. They are unwilling to put up with the excuses their mind makes. These are just thoughts, merely suggestions from your mind.

You can make your wildest dreams come true. Will it be scary? Hell yes. Will it take a long time? It will take the time it takes. Will it be worth it? More than you can imagine.

But most people never do what they truly want. They end up looking back at the end of their lives wishing theyíd done more. The truth is that the path to your dreams starts with one step. And you can take that step today.