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Many of these are things that we’ll be lucky to attain at any point in our lives. They’re not all universally applicable, this I realize. But I also realize that for many people, they are 25 little things that are important for dealing with the ins and outs of everyday adult life. These are ways to take care of ourselves, our lives, and the people in them, and not only to know ourselves, but to act on that knowledge as well.


1. A room of your own. I would say apartment or other kind of space, but sometimes that’s not financially feasible, and that’s okay. Regardless, at the minimum, everybody needs their own room. Your own space to be weird and cry and be alone or be alone with someone.

2. A worldview that isn’t a carbon copy of what your parents taught you nor derived from the experiences you’ve only read about in a textbook.

3. A person to call when things gets rough and a plan of action for the days where you need to be refueled in the human ways that aren’t easily bought or attained.

4. A savings account with at least a month or so of living expenses. This might sound unattainable if finances aren’t looking great right now but it’s more than crucial to make it work somehow. The importance of this usually isn’t recognized until it’s the reason you’re eating or not out on the street one day after you lose your job.

5. Clothing that will serve you in appropriate circumstances– funerals, weddings, work. A winter jacket, a rain coat. Not just things that are flimsy and uNPRactical, though they have their place and time as well. Because the last thing you want to do on the day of the wake of someone you deeply cared about is worry about what you are going to wear.

6. A relationship that functions outside of anything digital. To not deny ourselves the need for person-to-person connectivity.

7. A favorite book, artist and YouTube channel.

8. To know how to order a drink at the bar.

9. A relationship behind you that you can laugh about, and which makes you grateful for how far you’ve come.

10. An email address, bank account and journal that nobody else has access to.

11. A plunger, screwdriver, duct tape, jumper cables and the number of your local whoever is a professional at doing anything one would use those things for.

12. The ability to ask somebody on a date, take them somewhere nice, treat them right, not stress too much over what you wear to said occasion and be able to hold an interesting conversation with them.