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13. Your own doctor, with whom you feel comfortable discussing your medical needs and issues, and the ability to receive the medication/birth control/whatever you want or need without anybody else having to know about it.

14. Go-to clothing staples that are shining little emblems of who you really are, of which were chosen and bought not because they were a trend but because they fit in more ways than just size.

15. A list of things you’d like to do in your life, none of which involves attaining masses of wealth or other means of success that are fleeting and shallow.

16. A basic opinion/belief regarding religion or spirituality, even if it’s that you’re researching options or that you don’t believe in anything at all. Having a stance, regardless of what it is, is what’s important.

17. Measuring cups, a pot deep enough to boil water in, a spatula, a frying pan and other basic cooking materials that virtually every meal that isn’t Easy Mac or cereal requires.

18. A signature recipe, plates for more than just two people to eat with, a bottle opener and the knowledge of where they sell the best wine in the area.

19. A simple luxury that you fund yourself, and the realization and acknowledgement that said thing is indeed a luxury.

20. The ability to use personal/vacation days without feeling guilty, and the knowledge of how they’d most effectively be used for one’s mental, physical or emotional benefit.

21. A way to have fun again.

22. To get rid of scales and stop measuring lives by numbers: salaries, houses owned, things accomplished, degrees hanging on the wall, etc. Because usually, nothing really worth having can be measured numerically.

23. To have eaten a meal, seen a movie, taken a walk and fallen asleep by yourself– and to have been content, if not happy, with doing so.

24. The ability to put things in perspective, to let go when it’s appropriate, fight harder when it’s necessary, listen to people rather than just hear them, and consider opinions that aren’t congruent with your own.

25. To have given yourself to someone, and not expected anything in return.