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It is a universal truth that 75 percent of becoming a parent is getting comfortable with potty talk, mostly about poop.

Potty training is a tough enough time for toddlers, but one little boy finds sitting on the toilet particularly difficult in a hilarious new video.

In the YouTube clip, which was taken by the three-and-a-half-year-old boy's mother as she listened in, he contemplates why he ate so much food, expressing his worry that it will 'overflow the toilet'.

萌<a href=http://wwW.hxen.net/englishvideo/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>视频</a>:三岁宝宝厕所反思吃太多

'I ate so much food that poo will overflow the toilet!' he utters. 'I don't even know why I ate that much food. I will not eat that much food again. Ugh!'

In the beginning of the video, which has garnered over 57,000 views, the boy, whose name is not revealed, can be heard behind the bathroom door.

'Holy!' he says, with subtitles translating his monologue in the video. 'That poo will overflow the toilet.'

The boy continues worrying to himself about 'overflowing the toilet' throughout the one-minute video.

Then he reveals the food he has eaten that is the root of his worry. 'Apple. Poutine. Cheesestring,' he lists.

'Pickle chips. Peanut butter and raisins,' he continues, as his mother can be heard giggling quietly in the background.

'Ugh! Everything!' the boy exclaims. 'Chocolate things. . . chocolate thingies. More chocolate thingies. Gummies. Ugh! That will over flow the toilet. Ugh.'

Fans of the video have commented on the silliness of the boy's reaction during his bathroom break.

'Hilarious,' wrote one commenter. 'Thanks for the translation. Every parent knows their kid.' Another wrote: 'I think the funniest part was Mom trying to laugh silently in the background.'