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6. Eliminate negative people from your network. You absolutely need to invite and be receptive to constructive criticism if you want to grow as a professional and as an individual. But recognize that some people will never be happy with you or with life, and it is a waste of time to try to convince them of your worth. What's more, their sour outlook on life is contagious. Learn to identify these people quickly, and move on.
6. 将消极者从你的社交网络中清除。在职业道路以及个人的成长道路中,你绝对需要去主动寻找并虚心接受那些建设性的批评。但是你要认识到,有些人永远不会对你或是对生活感到满意,而要说服这些人相信你的价值所在,根本就是在浪费时间。而且这些人对于生活的消极看法是具传染性的。要学会尽快辨识出这些人,然后继续走你的路。




7. Take care of your health. Make time for exercise, and get enough rest. Your body must be physically ready to take on challenges.
7. 保重身体。腾出时间来多做运动、充分休息。身体健康,才能接受挑战。




8. Do your homework. Keep up-to-date on the news in your industry, and know your company and department inside and out. If you have a challenging task ahead, prepare and practice in your mind. Nothing builds confidence like knowledge and preparation.
8. 做好准备功课。随时了解你所在行业的最新资讯,了解你所在的公司,以及内部和外部的各个部门。如果你眼前面临一项具挑战性的工作,做好准备,并在脑子里做好演习。没有什么比知识和准备能更好地树立自信了。




9. Watch your body language. Your posture and overall appearance affect both your mental state and how others perceive (and thus respond) to you. If you want to be a leader, you have to dress and act the part. Stand and sit up straight, make eye contact, and remember to smile. Wear the professional clothing of your industry. Eliminate the telltale signs of nervousness: excessive twitching, closed-off posturing (crossed arms and legs, hunched shoulders), and shallow breathing.
9. 注意你的肢体语言。你的姿态和整体外观会影响到你的精神状态,也会影响到他人对你的印象(以及对你的回应方式)。如果你想成为领导,那么你必须一言一行都像一位领导。站姿坐姿都保持笔直,要有眼神交流,还有记得微笑。穿你所在行业的职业装。别做那些会显示你内心紧张的小动作:过多的扭动、封闭式的姿势(如双臂抱胸、翘二郎腿、蜷背等)、以及过浅的呼吸。




10. Practice gratitude daily. In a recent study of how successful people spend the first hour of each day, the No. 1 response was investing time in thinking about the things for which they are most grateful. Starting your day by saying 'thank you' for the good in your life makes it more likely that you will approach the day's challenges with the proper perspective.
10. 每天练习感恩。在最近一项有关成功人士每天第一个小时用来做些什么的研究中,排在第一位的回答是,将时间用来想那些他们最感激的事情。每天从对那些生命中最美好事物感恩开始,这样你更有可能会以恰当的视角来看待这一天即将到来的挑战。

Like public speaking or leadership, confidence is a professional skill that can be improved. According to Dr. Peter Buckley of Georgia Regents University, 'As you add experiences, you're more likely to gain confidence. And with confidence, you will embrace new experiences.' Start growing your confidence today.
正如对公众演讲或是领导能力一样,自信也是一项可以改善的职业技能。正如乔治亚摄政大学(Georgia Regents University)的彼得・巴克利(Peter Buckley)博士所说,“随着你经验的增加,你的自信会越来越强。而自信之人将获得新的经验。”从今天开始增强你的自信吧。