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Mr. Sullivan, 35, downloads several newspapers and magazines onto his smartphone each night to get all his reading done on the train. He gets exercise walking to the station -- 0.91 mile, according to his Nike app. He boards the first car, in order to be among the first in line for the subway when he gets off, then stakes out a position on the platform to get closer to a subway-car door. When he carries an umbrella, he makes sure it can hang on his briefcase, so he can keep one hand free for reading while strap-hanging.

'Even when I'm standing in the subway jammed shoulder-to-shoulder, I'm getting something done,' he says.

Nicole Engelbert, 41, could save time most days by driving from Bronxville to her job in Manhattan as a research-team leader at Ovum, a technology-research company. But she opts for a one-hour commute by train and subway instead.
现年41岁的妮科尔・恩格尔贝特(Nicole Engelbert)是科技研究公司Ovum一支研究团队的带头人,家住布朗克斯维尔(Bronxville),上班地点在曼哈顿。大多数时候,如果她开车上班的话都能节省时间,但她仍然选择火车加地铁的上班方式,时间为一个小时。

She walks to and from the station every day, taking her 2-year-old son to preschool in the morning and doing errands in the evening. She avoids chatting with other passengers, using the ride as 'an in-between space' to read or think. Sketching on a note pad during a recent ride, she came up with a new idea for analyzing technology markets. 'Driving could take half as much time, but I could be cursing at the driver in front of me and not getting a chance to read my book or relax,' she says.

Predictability is worth a lot to Bobby Brancazio when he commutes -- $174 a month, to be exact. Mr. Brancazio became so frustrated by long lines and delays on his bus commute from Hoboken, N.J., to New York City that he switched a year ago to the ferry. The cost is $272 a month, compared with $98 for the bus, says Mr. Brancazio, 29, a civil engineer. But his new route takes 30 to 45 minutes, compared with 11/2 to 2 hours on the bus. He loves standing on the ferry's top deck, taking photos of the skyline. 'It's like an eight-minute vacation every day, a mini-cruise in the middle of the concrete jungle,' he says.
通勤的可预见性对于鲍比・布兰卡奇奥(Bobby Brancazio)来说十分重要──具体而言价值每月174美元(约合人民币1,067元)。他坐巴士从新泽西州的霍博肯(Hoboken)到纽约城上班的时候要排很长的队,而巴士又经常晚点,一气之下他在一年前改坐渡轮。这位29岁的土木工程师说,坐渡轮的成本是一个月272美元(约合人民币1,667元),坐巴士是一个月98美元(约合人民币600元),但新的路线只需耗时30到45分钟,而坐巴士要一个半到两个小时。他喜欢站在渡轮的顶层甲板上拍摄城市的天际线。他说:“这就像每天度假八分钟,像混凝土丛林中的一次小规模巡游。”

There are signs that more people are enjoying their commute. 'I'm amazed at how often people say the commute is pleasurable,' Mr. Pisarski says. Many regard it as 'a positive bridge' between work and home, he says. For others, cellphones and social media ease the frustrations of the past, such as feeling cut off or surprised by traffic jams.

A six-year study of 27,556 British rail passengers, published earlier this year, found 37% fewer commuters felt their travel time was wasted in 2010, compared with 2004. One reason, researchers hypothesized, was a doubling of passengers listening to music, radio or podcasts on mobile devices in the six-year period and an 83% rise in commuters browsing the Internet or checking email during the ride.

Janice Berlik, a 34-year-old ski-apparel buyer, drives 35 minutes from her home in Eagle, Colo., to her job in Vail. Traveling rugged terrain, she packs water, a blanket, boots, jumper cables and flares. But she looks forward to the journey, she says, because she can tune in to the Howard Stern show on Sirius satellite radio. Listening to interviews and music, she says, 'gets me through the morning drive.'
34岁的滑雪装备采购员贾尼丝・贝尔利克(Janice Berlik)从她位于科罗拉多州伊格尔(Eagle)的家中开车去韦尔(Eagle)上班要花35分钟时间。由于要穿越崎岖地带,她在车上放了水、毯子、靴子、跳接线和照明弹。但她说,这段旅程她很期待,因为她可以调到Sirius卫星广播听霍华德・斯特恩(Howard Stern)主持的节目。她说,听访谈和音乐“让我熬过了早上的驾驶旅程”。