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The Justice Department declined to comment.


Rockstar Chief Executive John Veschi said the consortium, not the shareholder companies, made the decision to sue. 'This really has nothing to with Apple or Microsoft,' he said.
Rockstar首席执行长韦斯基(John Veschi)说,决定提起诉讼的是该公司自己,而非股东公司。他说,这确实与苹果和微软没有什么关系。

Mr. Veschi said that his efforts to license the patents hadn't gone as well as he had hoped in 2011. 'I figured that given the price that parties were willing to pay for these patents, talks to license them would be much easier,' Mr. Veschi said. 'We were reluctant to sue, but since we've paid the ante, I'm more than eager to enter good-faith negotiations.'

Representatives for Google, Samsung, LG, and Huawei declined to comment on the lawsuits. HTC and three other defendants-Pantech Co., ZTE Corp. and Asustek Computer Inc. -didn't return requests for comment.
谷歌、三星、LG电子和华为的代表拒绝就诉讼置评。宏达国际和其他三家被告公司Pantech Co.、中兴通讯(ZTE Corp.)以及华硕电脑( Asustek Computer Inc.)没有回复置评请求。

'Although BlackBerry owns shares in Rockstar-BlackBerry does not have the voting power to control Rockstar's actions with respect to litigations,' a BlackBerry spokeswoman said. Apple, Microsoft and Ericsson declined to comment. Sony, which makes Android phones, also declined to comment.

Technology companies have gotten used to patent litigation in recent years. The biggest players have sued and countersued in the U.S. and elsewhere, accusing each other of stealing their inventions.

Little has been resolved. Some of the suits have settled. Judges or juries have decided several others, most notably the Apple-Samsung that ended last year in a $1.05 billion jury verdict in favor of Apple. The judge on that case later cut the award by about 40% and ordered a retrial on several damages issues, which is set to begin next week. Several cases are on appeal.

Nevertheless, the Rockstar lawsuits, filed Thursday in federal court in Marshall, Texas, sent shock waves through an industry for which courtroom brawling has become the norm.

The Nortel patent portfolio at the center of the suits had been the subject of a high-stakes battle between Google and the Rockstar group 21/2 years ago. Google bid as much as $4.4 billion for the patents, but Rockstar won with a $4.5 billion bid.

The new wave of suits reflects a marketplace where Android-powered phones have outsold their competitors by a wide margin in recent years. Android controls three-quarters of the world-wide market for smartphones, according to research firm IDC. Phones powered by operating systems owned by Apple, Microsoft and BlackBerry make up the bulk of the rest.

Mr. Veschi said Rockstar's lawsuit is legitimate under the settlement with the government. He said the agreements made by Apple and Microsoft and the Justice Department only applied to the patents that the companies held on to, not to Rockstar or its 4,000 patents. 'We got the OK to go off and assert these patents, and that's exactly what we're doing,' he said.