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15大原因总结 为啥你没空休息放松

8. You make mountains out of molehills

You just broke the heel on your favorite pair of shoes! Your day is ruined…or is it? There’s no reason to waste time getting caught up on little things that can be fixed. Get the item fixed and move on with your life.

9. You check your smart phone every three minutes

Constantly checking email, text messages, social media all adds up over time, especially if you are trying to relax. Put down the phone—or better yet, shut it off completely to prevent yourself from checking in every few minutes.

10. You volunteer too much of your personal time.

Do you go out of your way to volunteer your time even when it isn’t asked for? Sure, helping people out is good, but being burned out and bitter is not. Strike a balance as to how much of your free time you’ll volunteer or donate to your favorite causes per month.

11. You participate in too many hobbies, clubs or extracurricular activities

You signed up for yoga, Spanish lessons, pastry making, juggling lessons and antique cabinetry classes… every week! Stretching yourself thin is never good, especially when you were trying to relax in the first place. Narrow down your activities to one or two to keep things in check.

12. You wake up late

Trying to squeeze more time in your day after a late start? Unfortunately relaxation and fun time are the first two things to get cut when you have a late start. Give yourself time to relax by getting a good night’s rest and waking up at the time you’re supposed to wake up.

13. You don’t plan your day

A day without plans can quickly turn into a day of doing things for other people, or doing things that aren’t really necessary, thereby wasting your time even more. Get started by jotting down at three tasks that must get done for tomorrow, as well as when you’ll stop working so you can rest and relax.

14. You feel everything you do has to be perfect or “just so.”

Perfectionism can kill time in an instant. This isn’t to say you should do sloppy or incomplete work, but pick and choose your battles where you can do things well, better, and best.

15. You tell yourself you have no time to relax and have fun

Ahh, the classic case of self-sabotage. If you constantly tell yourself you don’t have any time for relaxing or fun, pretty soon you’ll believe it one hundred percent. Be adamant about finding times to relax and have fun: delegate work, rework your schedule, or give up that nonessential volunteer position.