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行政助理 办公室最有影响力的人

Adds Mr. Zuckerberg in an email: 'Anikka joined Facebook early on, when we had less than 100 employees, and were basically working out what kind of company we wanted to be. Anikka helped me become a better CEO.'

By her final year at Facebook, Ms. Fragodt, 44 years old, was being paid $135, 000 plus a 30% bonus, as well as stock awards that left her 'taken good care of.' She has spent the past few months volunteering, working part-time and thinking about her next career move.

Ms. Fragodt, who will speak at the Behind Every Leader conference in Newark, advises today's executive assistants to be visible, no matter how strange it feels.

Melba Duncan, president of the Duncan Group, a search and training firm, recruits high-level executive assistants for salaries ranging from $75, 000 to $175, 000. Bosses want assistants who are knowledgeable about global affairs and economic trends and can help guide big decisions, she says. That means many candidates have graduate degrees, such as an M.B.A. or law degree.
从事猎头及培训的邓肯集团(Duncan Group)总裁梅尔巴?邓肯(Melba Duncan)对高级行政助理的开价在75,000美元到175,000美元之间。她说,上司们希望手下的助理熟悉全球事件和经济形势,能够帮助制定重大决策。这就需要竞职人选具有类似MBA或法学的研究生学历。

The best executive assistants immerse themselves in the businesses they work for, adds Ms. Duncan, who worked as an executive assistant for Peter Peterson at Lehman Brothers for 10 years in the 1970s and 1980s. If Mr. Peterson arrived in the morning with a book, she would purchase a copy by that evening, she says. 'Not that I would discuss it with him.'
邓肯补充道,出色的行政助理应当倾注于所从事的业务,她本人曾在上世纪70、80年代之间为雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers, Inc.)的彼得?彼得森(Peter Peterson)担任了10年的助理。如果彼得森早上拿着本书走进办公室,当天晚上她就会给自己也买一本,她说,这倒不是为了跟他讨论这本书的内容。

Meanwhile, the executives who share everything from email accounts to bank-account data to home-security codes with their assistants say the partnership works best when there's trust and constant communication.

Harry Kraemer, a former CEO of Baxter International Inc. and now a professor at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management, says his assistant of 12 years kept him informed about what was happening at the healthcare company and encouraged him to communicate more with employees, pushing him to write all-company emails, share stories about his personal life and dress up as Santa around the holidays.
百特(Baxter International Inc.)前CEO哈里?克雷默(Harry Kraemer)如今是西北大学凯洛格管理学院(Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management)的教授。他说,他的助理12年来一直会把公司里发生的事情告诉他,鼓励他多与员工进行交流,于是,克雷默开始给全公司发邮件,跟员工分享自己的生活故事,并在圣诞节穿上圣诞老人的衣服参加大家的聚会。

John Manuck, the chief executive of Techmer PM LLC, a manufacturing concern, says he leans on his assistant, Nicole Brannick, to tell him who he needs to speak with urgently and who can wait. Ms. Brannick is among the first to know when the company makes an acquisition, and she kept Mr. Manuck's cats company when he had to travel for work.
约翰?马纳克(John Manuck)是美国Techmer PM制造公司的首席执行长,他说,在应当与谁尽快会面,而谁可推后这个问题上,他全然依赖助理妮科尔?布兰尼克(Nicole Brannick)来做决定。布兰尼克即会第一时间了解到类似收购这样的重要信息,也会在马纳克出差时帮他做照顾猫一类的家事。

Assistants gain status from their boss's high profile. NBC's Ms. Galarza says another executive once tried to wheedle information from her about a private meeting her boss was attending. 'People know I know everything, ' she says.

'It's sort of like EA code, ' she adds. 'Everybody treats me with kid gloves. If I was working for a VP, it would not be that way.'