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Choose vacations that are rich in experience.

As for travel, camping and active vacations are my favorites for domestic trips. Internationally, practice authentic “slow travel” where you live like the locals rather than carrying the United States lifestyle with you and just seeing things through the windows of the hotel and the tour bus.

Only buy clothing you need.

While remaining well-dressed, you can choose to own less clothing (it can still be of high quality) and use your clothes until they wear out. We easily spend under $300 per year for the whole family and still have plenty of fine clothes and hiking and biking gear here.

Invest in people.

Develop great relationships with the people all around you, at work and even in your own neighborhood, since this leads to both more happiness and better work opportunities. By cutting out solitary time-drains like television-watching and car-commuting, you open up more time for things like group activities, entertaining, and volunteering, which will increase your family, social, and business networks.

Invest in yourself.

Develop extra skills over your lifetime, so you can maintain some of your own stuff (house, car, body, garden). The assumption today is that you are busy and successful, so you deserve to hire someone to trim your trees while you relax on the weekends. Take the opposite approach and insource the widest variety of tasks possible, to build a broader mesh of mutually reinforcing skills. The result is that you get better at everything, more employable, happier, and your cost of living plummets.

Cook at home more often, and take good nutrition seriously.

Eat less meat and avoid packaged convenience foods and anything with added sugar. Eat more vegetables, less bread and pasta and more healthy fat like nuts and olive oil. Shop at discount bulk stores like Costco. When traveling or working, bring your own food rather than throwing yourself at the mercy of the fast food system. This old advice is deceptively powerful, because it saves you thousands per year while also drastically improving your health (and thus, your energy level, focus, and ability to lead a happy life and earn more money).

Save restaurants for special occasions.

Consider restaurants a treat that allow you to live like a king for one night as a reward for being debt-free and saving so much of your income, rather than a convenience because you just happened to have nothing in the fridge that night.