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11. Failure is a good thing – Hakeem Belo-Osagie
11. 失败是件好事。——哈基姆·贝罗-奥萨吉

12. It’s essential to draw up a “things to do” list on a daily basis and set priorities in executing them, making sure that any unfinished task get posted to the next day’s list. – Folorunsho Alakija
12. 关键是要坚持每天都列出一个“待办事项”清单,并且排出轻重缓急,确保任何未完成的任务都顺延到第二天的清单。——佛罗伦索·阿拉基嘉

13. I grew up in poverty, but I always saw it as a challenge. The good thing is that you can surmount a challenge if you are willing to pay the price. The price is hard work. – Reginald Mengi
13. 我在贫苦中长大,但我一直都将其视为一种挑战。好在,只要愿意付出代价,你就能战胜困难。而这个代价就是努力工作。——雷吉纳尔德·孟吉

14. Every morning when I wake up, I make up my mind to solve as many problems, before retiring home. – Aliko Dangote
14. 每天早上起来,我都下定决心,要在晚上回家前解决尽可能多的问题。——阿里科·丹格特

15. A vision on its own is not enough. Hard work & dedication is required to make that vision a reality – Strive Masiyiwa
15. 光有远见是不够的。你还需要努力地工作和全身心地投入来将这种远见变成现实。——斯特拉夫·马希依瓦

16. Today is the beginning of the Rest of your Life! You are the Pilot of your life! Lock in your destination; take off to it, from where you are! – Vimal Shah
16. 今天是你余下人生的起点!你是自己人生的舵手!锁定目标,向前进发,就从你现在所处的地方开始!——维玛尔·沙阿

17. In business you have to know when to retire, before someone knocks you out.” – Lauritz (Laurie) Dippenaar
17. 在生意中,你必须知道何时退休——不要等到别人把你踢出去。——劳里茨(劳里)·迪彭纳

18. In whatever you do, strive to be the best at it – Aliko Dangote
18. 无论你做什么,都要尽力做到最好。——阿里科·丹格特

19. Whether you’re a farmer, builder or engineer, the opportunities are equal: Just add a little innovation – Strive Masiyiwa
19. 不管你是农民、建筑工人还是工程师,机会都是均等的:只要加入一点点创新就行。——斯特拉夫·马希依瓦

20. Entrepreneurship without skills limits your growth potential – Strive Masiyiwa
20. 没有创业技巧而空有创业精神,这会阻碍你的增长潜力。——斯特拉夫·马希依瓦