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6. You don't catch a cold because of cold weather.

Exposure to lower temperatures doesn't give you a cold by itself. The rise in sickness and colds in the winter months is typically linked to people spending more time indoors, which allows germs to transfer between people more easily.

7. Your body heat isn't mostly escaping through your head.

Naturally the most heat escaped from the uncovered area. In reality, you lose about 7 to 10 percent of your body heat from your head, which is about the same amount of surface area your head accounts for.

8. Men and women actually do feel cold at different temperatures.

Turns out that men tend to have more muscle mass than women, who typically have a higher fat ratio. Muscle is good at producing heat and fat is good for storing it, giving the advantage to men, who tend to have more muscle mass and lower body fat percentages.

9. If your ancestors during the Ice Age lived in the north, you do have an advantage against the cold.

Having ancestors who lived in northern climates predisposes many people to better handle the cold.

10. Wearing white might actually be the warmest color.

Black clothing absorbs heat from the sun and white clothing reflects it, but the common wisdom that white should be worn in summer and darker clothes in winter might need to be rethought.

White's function as a reflector also appears to apply to body heat, meaning that wearing it may trap your natural heat close to your body in looser fitting clothes, like a jacket.
白色的反射作用同样适用于身体热量方面,这也就意味着, 穿夹克类宽松合适的白色衣服,可以“困住”你身体附近的自然热量。

Bonus: The cold weather can help you lose weight.

In cold temperatures the body works harder to warm itself up, not only burning more calories while working out but activating brown fat, which burns them more efficiently than white fat.