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Using the new app 'might help people to better recognize slightly blurry images, but it isn't going to change the elasticity of the lens,' says James Salz, a clinical professor of ophthalmology at the University of Southern California.
南加州大学(University of Southern California)眼科学临床教授詹姆斯・萨尔斯(James Salz)表示,使用这款新应用“或许能帮助人们更好地辨认略显模糊的图像,但不会改变晶状体的弹性”。

The idea of using perceptual learning for vision difficulties has scientific merit, says Peter J. Bex, a neuroscientist at Schepens Eye Research Institute in Boston, part of Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. Using perceptual learning to improve vision has proved viable in several scientific studies, including in people with lazy eye. Still, more research is needed on the GlassesOff program -- particularly comparing the test group to a group that got an ersatz training exercise, scientists say.
波士顿舍彭斯眼科研究所(Schepens Eye Research Institute,属于马萨诸塞州眼科和耳科医院(Massachusetts Eye and Ear Institute))神经学家彼得・J.贝克斯(Peter J. Bex)称,通过知觉学习来缓解视觉困难这一做法是有科学道理的。通过知觉学习来改善视力的可行性已得到几项科学研究的证明,其中包括针对弱视者的研究。但科学家称,还需要对GlassesOff的项目展开更多研究──尤其是将受试组与接受替代训练的组别进行对照的研究。

Another issue, Dr. Bex says, is that the results of perceptual learning sometimes apply only very narrowly to the tasks practiced in training. The ability to read small print may improve, but it's unclear how much difference that makes for people in a wider range of daily tasks.

A study, presented in July at the Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision in China, found that the GlassesOff program improved performance on measures including contrast sensitivity -- suggesting the improvement will apply to a wide range of daily tasks, Mr. Madar says.
马达尔说,7月份在中国举行的亚太视觉会议(Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision)上宣读的一项研究成果显示,GlassesOff的项目改善了对比敏感度等指标──暗示该应用能改善人们完成广泛日常任务的能力。