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从管理者转变为领导者 如何释放员工的潜能


The first and most important truth any leader must understand is that the human beings who work inside every kind of organization possess unlimited potential. They have the ability to solve any problem and to respond to unforeseen circumstances.

The problem: most organizations today are unable to tap into that limitless human potential because of a series of self-imposed boundaries. Unlocking this potential means challenging the many assumptions that we have about work today: the incontestability of hierarchy, the importance of putting in time in the office, semi-annual employee reviews, valuing the voice of the customer but not of the employee, and the restriction of vital information to preserve rank.

从管理者转变为领导者 如何释放员工的潜能

Organizations and their leaders must strive to break three common boundaries to unleash all of the talent and contribution lying in wait. The first is role-based: communication and collaboration is restricted by seniority level. How could a lowly entry-level employee possibly engage with a senior manager or worse… an executive! The second type of boundary is around departments and function. Marketing folks stick with their peers in marketing, sales with sales, product development with product development, and information and potential opportunities for innovation remain stuck within silos. The third most common type of boundary is geographic -- employees in one office or location simply don't "see" their peers in another.

Escaping these persistent and pernicious boundaries to communication, contribution, and collaboration requires three key shifts:

From management to leadership

Lifting boundaries isn't a matter of executive direction. It's about re-thinking management and shifting perspective from telling people what to do to getting them excited to want to do it. We don't need more managers, we need more leaders. Today, any employee can become that leader. Yet the norm in most organizations is to bring in more and more managers to oversee people and then more managers to look after those managers. The goal of all of this, of course, is to get a tighter grip on the organization, to enforce control.

The original goal of management was simply to make sure that employees showed up to work on time to do their tasks, to not ask questions, to not cause problems, and then to leave and do that over and over again. Management wasn't focused on innovation, the voice of the employee, engagement, or creativity. That was the case 100 years ago, and it's still the case at too many organizations today. This is why it's so crucial to create the capacity for leadership in every aspect of the business.

The leader challenges common assumptions around management and mentors employees to help them become successful. The leader has followers not because he commands them, but because he has earned them.