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从管理者转变为领导者 如何释放员工的潜能

From "need-to-know" to collaborative technologies

The range of collaborative technologies available today allows employees to connect with each other and with information at any time, anywhere, and on just about any device. While many leaders look at the onslaught of new tech as a problem to be solved, the most effective leaders today aggressively support any tools that enable employees to connect. It needs to be easy for an employee in California to find a co-worker in Beijing. It needs to be easy for an entry-level employee to start a dialogue with an executive, even though they may have never met face to face.

Collaborative technologies are also crucial in developing leaders. In the new world of work, leaders create themselves. They share their ideas, content, and feedback in a public way, which attracts followers within the organization. Anyone can become a thought leader or subject matter expert.

From controlling management to boundary-breaking work

At every turn, leaders must ask themselves, "How does this support our vision of breaking down boundaries?" How can employee onboarding be changed? What about talent management? Perhaps when employees are brought on board they are taken through a scavenger hunt where they must find and connect with colleagues around the world; something telecommunications company TELUS does for new recruits. What if, instead of semi-annual reviews, you go with a system of real-time feedback through a collaborative platform? Why not create a company leaderboard around health and wellness so that different geographic regions can see how they compare to one another. What if employees "narrated" their work in a public way so that everyone and anyone can see what they are working on? Every built-in management process is an opportunity for unleashing more human potential.

Unlocking human potential is the new competitive advantage. But it's not as simple as expressing good intentions. And it's not enough for executives to proclaim, "our people are our most important assets." Every leader must do the hard work of breaking down boundaries and rethinking the most deeply held assumptions about work.

What are you or your organization doing to break down the boundaries that constrain human potential? Share your stories and ideas in the Unlimited Human Potential Challenge at the MIX.