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中国学生出国留学是否划算 国情决定文凭不是成功决定因素


Jack Ma, one of China’s best-known entrepreneurs, thinks business success in China has nothing to do with prestigious foreign degrees: “When you want to judge whether a person . . . is excellent or not don’t look at whether they went to Harvard or Stanford,” he is famous for saying.
中国知名企业家马云(Jack Ma)认为,在中国,经商能否成功与有没有外国名牌大学的文凭无关。他的名言是:“判断一个人、一个公司是不是优秀,不要看他是不是从哈佛(Harvard)或斯坦福(Stanford)毕业的。”

More and more Chinese parents apparently disagree with the co-founder of internet company Alibaba: they are increasingly spending three or four years’ annual family income to send their only child for foreign study. Some are now asking whether it is worth the investment.

中国学生出国留学是否划算 国情决定文凭不是成功决定因

The number of Chinese studying overseas has more than tripled in the past decade and continues to shoot up. The rise has been particularly dramatic among lower-middle-class families: according to a report from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, up to the end of 2009 students from such families made up only 2 per cent of all those who studied overseas, but by the end of 2010 the proportion had risen to 34 per cent.
过去10年中,中国留学生的人数已增长逾两倍,而且还在继续增长。来自中产阶级下层家庭的留学生人数增长尤为迅猛:根据中国社科院(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)的一份报告,2009年底,来自中产阶级下层家庭的留学生人数仅占留学生总人数的2%,但到2010年底,这个比例升到了34%。

For many Chinese families with children overseas, money is no object. But many lower middle-class and working-class families are counting on their only child to support them in their old age.

Foreign universities also increasingly rely on fees from Chinese students to boost their income. But is it worth spending Rmb1m-2m ($165,000-$330,00) on preparing for and completing an overseas degree, only to return to a job market where seven million graduates cannot find jobs?

According to Chinese recruitment agencies and human resources professionals, people who have studied overseas – known as “haigui”, or sea turtles, because they have one foot on land and one in the sea – command little if any salary premium when they start entry-level jobs back in China.

Zong Qinghou, China’s second-richest man, sent his only daughter and heir apparent, Zong Fuli, to study overseas. As a result, he told a recent press conference, the thirtysomething Ms Zong “knows neither the current situation for Chinese enterprises nor the situation abroad”.

Jennifer Feng, chief human resources expert at 51job, the leading Chinese employment agency, says there is “no big difference between the starting salaries of those holding overseas or local university degrees”. Gone are the days when an overseas degree ensured a top-paying job.
中国主要招聘机构前程无忧(51job)首席人力资源专家冯丽娟(Jennifer Feng)表示,“拥有海外文凭的求职者和本土大学毕业生的起薪没有很大差别”。拥有海外文凭就能确保获得高薪工作的日子已经一去不复返了。

“The proportion of students studying overseas these days is high and what they study isn’t particularly suitable to the Chinese market,” Ms Feng says, adding that China is no longer sending only its brightest students abroad.

These days a big proportion are average or below-average students who failed to gain entry to university in China. But the foreign institutions they attend may not be top-notch either: “Eighty to ninety per cent of the overseas universities that they attend these days, most people in China have never heard of them”, Ms Feng says. Even studying English overseas is no longer so crucial: job recruiters say they can meet their need for English speakers with locally trained graduates.