If it's 4:32 a.m. and you know you'll have to peel yourself off your mattress to go to work in a few hours' time, close out of Netflix. It's not time for one more episode. Sticking to a regular, healthy sleep schedule doesn't just protect you against heart disease, some cancers and a host of other chronic health problems, it can also help you feel better about yourself and your life.
7. You see time management as more of a goal than a reality
If the sheer number of things you have to get done on any single day is overwhelming, consider how much time you devote to each task. Planning your day and prioritizing your to-dos can help you make better time-management decisions to feel more in control of your life. If internet procrastination is your weakness, this Chrome extension will track how long you spend on each site.
8. You're saying "yes" too much
Once in a while, it's okay to say "no" to lighten the load of your personal responsibilities. No, sorry, you can't drop your cousin off at the airport, because you've had a dinner scheduled for weeks. No, sorry, you can't make a fruitcake for the company holiday party, because it would take too long to bake.
9. You're surgically attached to your phone
Stop that. Stop checking. You'll be okay. Research has shown that the pressure to be constantly available to respond to emails, texts, phone calls and to know what's going on can be too much. You may want to make a conscious effort to turn your phone and computer off for a certain amount of time each day.
10. You've just achieved some major goal
…but for some reason you're still freaking out! Yikes. (We can only hope you're knocking out life goals on a daily basis, anyway.) Research has shown that "compassionate" goals -- things that benefit others along with yourself -- reduce anxiety post-achievement more so than "self-image" goals in college students. In other words, be a better person and you might just feel better, too.
但是不知为何你仍有一阵余悸。呀!(无论怎么样,我们都希望你每天能达成生活目标。)研究表明,在大学生群体中,比起只图“一己私利” 的目标而言,完成那些利己又利他人的富有“仁义” 的目标能更好地降低焦虑感。换句话说,要做心地善良的人,而你也会感觉良好。
If you need some extra stress relief, chew some gum, find a puppy to spend some time with, or channel your inner Brit with a hot cup of tea.
Now isn't that better?