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全球地铁无裤日 多国民众脱裤乘地铁

In Paris, the meeting point was the Charles de Gaulle-Etoile metro stop, with pants-free passengers headed all the way to Bastille. More than 1,200 people had signed up ahead of time via Facebook.

Other events were smaller, like in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires, where a handful of young people, mainly men in suits, ties -- and brightly-colored flowery boxers -- drew laughs.

"Insist that it is a coincidence that others also forgot their trousers," the organizers told participants, who were also forbidden from speaking to one another.
“一定要表现出事情很凑巧,并且其他人也碰巧忘记穿裤子了,” 活动组织者告诉大家,也不能和其他参与者说话。

On a busy Hong Kong subway, around 40 people, including Australian Bess Hepworth and her 18-month-old son, joined in the fun.

"It's the first time he will be publicly taking off his pants, although he does it regularly already," the 37-year-old said.
“虽然我儿子在日常生活中脱裤子很平常,但这是他第一次在公众场合脱裤子。” 37岁的妈妈说道。

In Beijing, a handful of trouserless people took to the Chinese capital's fast-growing subway, drawing confused glances from onlookers.

"I want to show that (Chinese people) are internationalized now," said 22-year-old Huang Li, wearing blue underwear decorated with dots. But "people say I'm a psycho," she added.
22岁的黄丽穿着蓝色斑点内裤,她说:“我参加这个活动,想表明中国人现在很国际化。” 但是“人们说我是个神经病。” 她补充道。