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The world has never before seen the moment a polar bear cub opens its eyes for the first time and sees its mother.. until now.

A video taken at Hellabrun Zoo in Munich, Germany, shows polar bear Giovanna tenderly cradling her two snow-white cubs in her paws, breathing on them gently to keep them warm.

As Giovanna's breath slowly wakes the month-old infants they open their eyes for what keepers believe is the first time, gazing up at her.

<a href=http://wwW.hxen.net/englishvideo/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>视频</a>记录:超萌北极熊宝宝初次睁眼

They were the only polar bear cubs to be born in captivity in Europe last year and, incredibly, their mother positioned herself in the direct view of CCTV cameras set up to record the moment.

Now the baby cubs' first tentative blink has been recorded on day 33 of their lives, and the footage released by Hellabrun's zoologists.

In the heartwarming video, the twins are seen sleeping in their mother's protective embrace when one begins to stir and stretch its forelegs. The movements wakes its sibling, who bursts from beneath their sleeping mother's clasp, the commotion in turn waking Giovanna, who delicately nuzzles and sniffs the nearest cub.

Giovanna gave birth to her cubs on December 9, with the first emerging at 8.39am following a short labour. Minutes earlier she had been biting her front paw to counteract the pain of contractions, before the eight-inch-long cub slid out.

The infant cub was hairless, smeared in blood, blind and deaf.

Hellabrun Zoo is now bracing itself for a surge in visitors. When Knut the polar bear was born in Berlin Zoo at the end of 2006 the capital's animal park was flooded by visitors keen to catch a glimpse of the cub.

That Giovanna has managed to keep her youngsters alive this long is already an impressive achievement. Polar bears are at greater risk of dying in the first week of their lives than any other mammal.