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 Whether you're hoping to get ahead at work or just trying to build healthy relationships, it's important to understand how your boss works — what she appreciates, what she respects, and what she can't stand. Create a strong connection with your manager and avoid irritating her by steering clear of these 15 ways to annoy your boss:

1. Arrive late, coffee in hand. If you waltz into the office 20 minutes late, clutching a Starbucks cup, chances are it's not going to be well-received. If you're running short on time, skip the coffee shop and head to the office coffeemaker instead.
1. 上班迟到,手里拿着咖啡。如果你迟到20分钟还拿着杯星巴克慢悠悠晃进办公室,老板很可能给你脸色看。如果你没时间就别去咖啡店,用办公室的咖啡机替代吧。

2. Dress inappropriately. Your boss doesn't want to feel like your parent, so she won't be thrilled if she has to regularly address your workwear. Keep things professional.
2. 着装不当。老板不想当你的父母,如果她必须经常跟你谈穿着问题,她不会觉得高兴的。请保持专业。

3. Regularly bring up your accomplishments. Patting your own back is fine every once in a while, but high-fiving yourself for every little victory is sure to frustrate both your co-workers and your boss. Save the boasting for your year-end review and always note your successes with a purpose — as in, say, while negotiating salary.
3. 经常提起你的成就。隔段时间夸奖下自己没什么问题,但吹嘘每个小胜利一定会让同事和老板不快。把自夸的功夫留给年终考核吧,而且提及成功时要有目的——比如说商量薪水时。

4. Say you'll "try" instead of you "will". When you're asked to finish something, that means you're expected to finish it. Form your responses carefully, as even small tweaks can have a huge effect. Instead of saying, "I'll try to get to that," nod and assure your boss by saying, "No problem, I will get to that as soon as I've finished this."
4. 说你“愿意做”而不是你会“尝试”。当你被要求完成事情时,这意味着别人期待你做好。仔细组织你的回答,即使是小变化也有巨大影响。不要说“我试着做好”而是点头向你的老板保证“没问题,我做好手里的事后会尽快开始做这个。”

5. Ask personal questions. Your boss will offer personal information as she sees fit, so refrain from asking anything too intimate. Small talk is fine, of course, but remember to maintain professional boundaries during conversation.
5. 问私人问题。你的老板认为合适的话会说个人信息的,所以不要问任何太亲密的话题。聊天当然可以,但记得在谈话中要守住专业的界限。

6. Tattle on other employees. Most information finds its way through the grapevine, so chances are your boss will find out about any significant scandals from someone else. Nobody likes the office tattler — and telling your boss someone else's secrets would say more about your character than theirs.
6. 说其他员工闲话。大多数信息通过小道消息传播,所以你的老板很可能从别人那里发现各种重大丑闻。没人喜欢办公室里搬弄是非的人——把别人的秘密告诉老板更多体现的是你的性格,而不是其他人的。

7. Reply to all her tweets. You may be Facebook friends, but that doesn't mean you need to "like" every status or comment on every one of her pictures. Keep the interactions minimal so that you don't aggravate her with hourly notifications that say you've commented on five more of her photos.
7. 回复她所有的状态。你可以是她脸书的好友,但这并不意味着你要给每个状态点“赞”或评论她的每张照片。让互动少些,这样她不会每小时收到通知说你又评论了5张照片。