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It's a potential career nightmare: You switch jobs, only to realize days or weeks later that it was all a huge mistake.

While it may seem inconceivable, it is possible to make the dreaded employment U-turn.

Bouncing back to a former employer after quitting isn't the resume killer it once was. People who have done it say it is often worth the humiliation of having to admit a mistake and beg former colleagues to take you back. Returning employees usually end up appreciating their jobs more. And their careers can emerge unscathed, if they give sound reasons for flip-flopping -- and stay put for a while in their second stint.


'The new normal is that movement from job to job is tolerated' in many fields, says Bob Damon, president of the Americas for Korn/Ferry International, a Los Angeles-based executive-search and leadership-consulting firm. With companies rushing to adapt to changing markets, it is increasingly easy to make mistakes matching people to jobs, he says. And a shortage of skilled workers in many fields makes more companies 'perfectly willing to take back good employees.'
洛杉矶高管猎头兼领导力咨询公司光辉国际(Korn/Ferry International)美洲区总裁鲍勃·戴蒙(Bob Damon)说,在很多领域中,“容忍跳槽已经成为新的常态”。他说,企业都在争先恐后地适应风云变幻的市场,人员与岗位的搭配越来越容易出错。而很多领域缺乏熟练程度高的员工,使越来越多的企业“巴不得让好员工回来”。

U-turns happen most often among people in design, tech, media agencies and consulting firms, says Tim McIntyre, chief executive of the Executive Search Group, of South Glastonbury, Conn. Some job-changers say they boomerang back because they miss a workplace culture or a respected boss. Others quit to join an entrepreneurial venture, then return after the opportunity fizzles.
康涅狄格州南格拉斯顿伯里高管猎头集团(Executive Search Group)的首席执行长蒂姆·麦金太尔(Tim McIntyre)说,吃回头草的现象在设计、科技、传媒和咨询公司里面最为常见。有些换工作的人说,之所以回来,是因为他们想念某种工作氛围或某个受尊重的老板。另一些人辞职加入某个初创企业,机会消失之后又回来了。

John Turner's U-turn took just 18 months. He left his job as director of business analysis for Healthways, a Franklin, Tenn., company, after a headhunter recruited him in 2011. Mr. Turner had worked with data to help develop and track behavioral-change programs for improving the health and well-being of its customers' patients and employees.
约翰·特纳(John Turner)吃回头草仅用一年半的时间。他原先是田纳西州富兰克林Healthways公司的业务分析总监,2011年一家猎头公司挖他,他便辞掉了这份工作。特纳在Healthways的工作是梳理数据,帮助开发和跟踪旨在改善客户单位病人及员工健康和幸福感的行为变化项目。

At his new employer, Walgreen Co., he scored a raise, a corner office in the company's Nashville offices and an opportunity to work with a huge health-care database at a company nearly 100 times Healthways' size in both employment and sales. As a senior director of client-enterprise reporting, he oversaw five data-analysis teams in three states.
在新公司Walgreen Co.,他获得加薪,在公司的纳什韦尔办事处坐上了宽敞明亮的角落办公室,还有机会在一个员工数量和销售额都接近Healthways公司100倍的企业里面处理一个庞大的医疗数据库。作为负责客户企业情况汇报的高级总监,他管理着三个州的五个数据分析团队。

After seven years at Healthways, though, Mr. Turner had grown accustomed to its intense fitness-focused culture. He wore workout gear to the office, took on-site yoga classes and ran with colleagues at lunch; Healthways Chief Executive Ben Leedle was his teammate for two overnight relay races. And Mr. Turner got free advice over the phone from a personal-health coach provided by the firm.
但特纳在Healthways工作了七年,已经习惯于它强烈关注身体健康的氛围。他穿着锻炼行头上班,参加公司现场的瑜伽课,并在午休期间和同事一起跑步。Healthways的首席执行长本·理德尔(Ben Leedle)是他两次参加通宵接力赛时的队友。特纳还通过电话接受一名个人健康教练提供的免费咨询服务,由公司出钱。

By contrast, during his first week at Walgreens, when Mr. Turner told his new co-workers he was running a half-marathon, he says 'everybody looked at me like I had two heads.' Separated from his fitness-minded former colleagues, he says he stopped exercising and gained nearly 25 pounds over the next year.

Mr. Turner thought he would like having a private office, after working for years in Healthways' open-plan headquarters. To his surprise, 'I missed the open space, ' which fostered deskside meetings and easy access to higher-ups, he says. And the sheer size of Walgreens, with $72.2 billion in annual sales and 240, 000 employees, made it harder, he says, to make changes or see how his data analysis benefited customers.

Despite its size, says Michael Polzin, a spokesman for Deerfield, Ill.-based Walgreens, the company has an 'entrepreneurial spirit, ' with initiatives like pharmacist-administered flu shots and free mobile apps for refilling prescriptions. The company doesn't comment on individual employees, he says.
Walgreens公司总部位于伊利诺依州迪尔菲尔德,其发言人迈克尔·波尔青(Michael Polzin)说,尽管规模很大,这家公司仍然有一股“创业精神”,比如有药剂师负责注射流感疫苗的项目,以及补开处方药的免费手机应用程序等。他说,公司不对员工个人发表评论。

Mr. Turner says he liked his Walgreens colleagues and the company's focus on customer service. Like many managers there, he worked at a Walgreens store in his neighborhood over the holidays in 2011. He performed well and was promoted to vice president. But at home with his wife Katie and their two children, Ellie Kate, 4, and Jack, 2, Mr. Turner says, 'I was depressed. I wasn't as engaged.'
特纳说,他喜欢Walgreens的同事,以及这家公司对客户服务的专注度。2011年节假日期间,和该公司的很多管理人员一样,他在自己社区的一家Walgreens药店上班。他表现很好,被提拔为副总裁,但特纳说,回到家和妻子凯蒂(Katie)及两个孩子(大的四岁,叫埃莉凯特(Ellie Kate);小的两岁,叫杰克(Jack))在一起时,“我感到消沉。我不像原来那样全神贯注了。”