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Student finance: top 10 student money saving tips

Whether it’s your first or your third year, the temptation to spend is everywhere – not least at the union bar. Problem is, you’ll need cash left at the end of term if you fancy joining the university ski trip. Here are ten great money saving tips for old and new students alike.
无论这是你步入大学的第一年或第三年,花钱的诱惑总是无处不在-不仅仅在优年美食餐厅。问题是如果你想参加学校组织的滑雪旅行, 你需要在学期末的时候留点钱给自己。本文将和各位新老生一起分享十大省钱妙招。

Budget during the first weeks of term

With the living expenses fresh in your account, you’re so far 'in the black' that you’re positively itching to spend. Beware – you have entered the danger zone. Someone organises a fancy dress party: you fork out on an expensive costume. You need a new hobby: you acquire a ukulele.

It’s hard to budget when you’re keen to have fun, but it is worth holding off on extravagant spending early on. If you want to go out and celebrate at the end of term, check out some student budget apps to make sure you have something left to spend.

Plan meals in advance

Walking back from a lecture, you’re likely to want to pick up lunch and a coffee with friends. Pay attention to jaunts like these – if they become too much of a habit, they will significantly impact your finances.

Preparing food at home is a great way to save money over the week, and there’s no need to cut back on the ingredients you love if you budget correctly.

Enjoy student discounts

Congratulations – you are now eligible for a ridiculous number of discounts. This doesn’t mean you should be increasing your spending just to enjoy them, but it does mean savings when you do go shopping.

Be sure to check the list of offers before registering for a card, as it’s only worth buying if you are likely to use it.

Travel smarter

Travelling home for a weekend or visiting friends at other universities can be a costly affair, but that doesn’t have to put you off. There's the railcard that can get you up to a fifth off rail fares.

Alternatively – your friends will only turn 21 once – so get to their birthday celebrations with a ride-sharing service. If you have a car, you can offer seats to paying passengers, raking back a third of your petrol costs for each person you take on board.

Sell, sell, sell

Your textbooks are surprisingly valuable, so when you’re sure that a book’s future is to sit and gather dust, head to Amazon to trade it in for a gift card. The same applies to your clothes. Rid yourself of fashion faux-pas at eBay, or head to flea markets if you think they’re worth a buck or two.