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科技在发展 可夹在衬衫上的袖珍相机


I've been snapping photos of everything in front of me for the last week. If we've passed, even for a moment, I probably have a picture of your face.

I'm not a spy, but I've been using gear you might associate with 007. New matchbook-size cameras that clip to your tie or shirt let you capture a day's worth of encounters, then upload them to the Internet to be remembered forever.

Why on Earth would anybody want to do that? After trying out two devices that recently began shipping, the $279 Narrative Clip and $399 Autographer, I think the answer for many will be why wouldn't you?
怎么会有人想干这种事?在试用了新近上市的279美元的Narrative Clip和399美元的Autographer两款设备之后,我想对很多人来说,答案是为什么不呢?

科技在发展 可夹在衬衫上的袖珍相机

Yes, I took gigabytes of boring photos of me sitting in front of a computer at work. But when I took the tiny cameras hiking or hanging out with kids, they produced Instagram-worthy shots. (I also discovered surprising uses, like when I scanned my photo log to discover where I'd misplaced my watch.)

Wearable cameras are a potential solution to the growing annoyance of people holding their phones in front of their faces throughout birthday parties, concerts and other important moments, instead of just living them.

But there's a cost to amassing so much photographic evidence. The tiny cameras made others uncomfortable when they found out they were being recorded. Some friends wouldn't hug me; gossiping colleagues kept asking, 'Is that thing on?' These devices upset a fundamental (though arguably flawed) assumption that even in public, you aren't being recorded.

Makes you squirm, doesn't it? One reason I wanted to review these cameras is that this kind of technology isn't going away. 'Always on' cameras are becoming popular in home electronics like the Xbox One and a new wave of streaming video security systems. Now you can buy cameras that attach to your wrist, ear, bike helmet and eyeglasses.
让人不舒服,对吧?我之所以想对这种相机发表评论的一个原因是此类技术正方兴未艾。“无间断”摄像头正在Xbox One等家用电子设备以及新一轮流媒体视频安全系统产品中日益受到追捧。现如今,你可以买到戴在手腕和耳朵上、安装在自行车头盔和眼镜上的相机了。

The two cameras I tested are meant for everyday use. On the surface, they seem very similar: plastic clip-ons that silently take photos and store them until you upload them to a phone or computer. They arrange the photos in a contact sheet on your phone and use software to highlight the most interesting shots, or give you a sped-up video of your day.

The Narrative is the least obtrusive. It could be easily mistaken for a tie clip. The Narrative has no buttons or screen, and just one function: It takes a photo of whatever is in front of it every 30 seconds, more than 2,000 a day, with quality comparable to the iPhone 4's camera.
Narrative很不起眼,很容易被误认为是领带夹。它没有按键和显示屏,只有一个功能:每隔30秒拍下它面前的景象。一天下来就有超过2,000张照片,其画质堪比iPhone 4的摄像头。

A sensor makes sure the photos are always upright, no matter how the clip is oriented, while a GPS chip inside notes where you are each time it takes the photo. Tap on the Narrative twice and it will snap a photo right away.

The pricier Autographer is three times larger, making it flop over when I attached it to my shirt pocket. It packs a 5-megapixel camera with fisheye lens and five sensors -- including an accelerometer, compass and thermometer -- in order to take a picture when it thinks your surroundings have changed. It can use Bluetooth to transfer shots wirelessly to a phone or computer right away. All of this extra tech means the battery lasts about 10 hours, compared with the Narrative's 30.

What are you supposed to do with all of those photos? More than 1,000 shots taken on my hike this Sunday weren't worth keeping. But 15 were delightful, unposed shots of my friends and their kids at sunset. You can't get a 7-year-old kid to look that naturally happy with a regular camera pointing in his face, but the candid camera did. I could imagine taking one of these cameras to special events or on vacation.

Judging based on price, shape and battery life, the Narrative would seem to be the better product. But after using both cameras, I realized the Autographer was superior because its design better respected my interactions with friends and strangers alike.