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科技在发展 可夹在衬衫上的袖珍相机

Very few people noticed I was wearing the Narrative's tiny clip. It made me feel like a creep for not disclosing to friends and people on the street that I was photographing them. It offers no indication it's taking a picture and continues snapping away unless you turn it over or put it into a pocket (which you need to remember to do when you go to places like the toilet). After wearing it for a few days, I decided to tape a camera icon on it.

The Autographer announces itself as a camera. Each time it snaps, a faint blue light flashes on its front. More important, its lens is highlighted by a bright yellow circle and has a rotating cover so everyone can see when it is and isn't watching.

In short, Autographer's design helps keep people from being jerks. The fisheye lens means you can't accidentally take head-on photos of people unless you are very close to their faces. Since the camera connects wirelessly to your phone, you can review your shots right away -- and delete shots if anybody asks. By default, Autographer only saves all your photos on your computer or phone rather than its own servers.

All these concerns are rooted in civility. There's nothing actually illegal about using one of these cameras in most venues in the U.S., outside of restrooms, casinos and other businesses that expressly forbid them.

Narrative's Swedish creators say their clip wouldn't make a good spy camera because it isn't as small as the latest snoop gear and its 30-second automatic timer is too arbitrary. Also, their research found people who spotted it did generally understand that the device was a camera. 'If you want a camera to spy on your friends, we don't want you as a customer,' company co-founder Oskar Kalmaru said, 'And we intentionally made the Narrative Clip bad for use in cases like that.'
Narrative的瑞典制造商称其产品并不是一款好的间谍相机,因为它没有最新的侦查装置小巧,并且30秒的自动计时器太刻板了。同时他们的研究表明,注意到Narrative的人基本上都会认识到它是个相机。公司联合创始人奥斯卡・卡尔玛鲁(Oskar Kalmaru)说:“如果你想要一款相机来侦查你的朋友,那我们并不希望你成为我们的客户。我们是有意让Narrative Clip在这种情况下表现不佳的。”

The U.K.-based makers of Autographer take the extraordinary step of including an etiquette guide in its box, with suggestions like 'pause your image capture if you are in proximity to people you don't know for a long period of time.'

For me, wearing either camera meant I was constantly on guard, ready to turn it off if a situation became too private to capture.

We might eventually get used to the idea that we're being constantly watched, but for now I think a baseline rule ought to be some kind of notice: I'm taking your photo.

The experience made me realize we need a big public conversation about how to live with ubiquitous sensors. Part of that means developing criteria to judge technology beyond basic hardware or software design. Let's call it the 'relationship test': How does this piece of technology change not just my life, but how I interact with you?