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In early October, Michael Irvin stood up to leave a New York City restaurant when he glanced at his iPhone and noticed it was powering off. When he turned it back on again, all of his information -- email programs, contacts, family photos, apps and music he had downloaded -- had vanished.
月初的一天,当独立医疗顾问迈克尔·欧文(Michael Irvin)起身准备离开纽约一家餐馆时,他瞥了一眼自己的iPhone,发现iPhone正在关机。当他重新开机时,包括email程序、联系人、家庭照片、手机应用和他下载的音乐在内的所有信息都不见了。

The phone looked 'like it came straight from the factory,' said Mr. Irvin, an independent health-care consultant.

It wasn't a malfunction. The device had been wiped clean by AlphaCare of New York, the client he had been working for full-time since April. Mr. Irvin received an email from his AlphaCare address that day confirming the phone had been remotely erased.
这并不是手机故障,而是手机数据被他从4月份开始全职服务的客户AlphaCare of New York进行了远程清除。欧文当天收到一封来自他AlphaCare地址的电子邮件,确认手机数据已被远程擦除。


As more companies allow and even encourage employees to use their own phones and tablets for work activities, often referred to as 'bring your own device,' or BYOD, an unexpected consequence has arisen for workers who have seen their devices wiped clean -- remotely and with little or no advance warning -- during or after employment by firms looking to secure their data. Twenty-one percent of companies perform remote wipes when an employee quits or is terminated, according to a July 2013 survey by data protection firm Acronis Inc.
如今有更多的公司允许甚至鼓励员工用自己的手机和平板电脑办公(通常被称为“自带设备办公”或BYOD),一种意外后果也随之产生。员工会发现自己设备上的信息在工作期间或离职后被寻求保护数据的公司全部清除(远程操作,而且几乎或者根本没有提前警告)。数据保护公司Acronis Inc 2013年7月份的一项调查显示,21%的公司会在员工辞职或者被解雇时进行远程清除。

Joel Landau, AlphaCare's chairman, declined to confirm whether Mr. Irvin's phone had been erased. He provided a copy of AlphaCare's BYOD policy, effective as of July, which includes a reference to remote wiping. Mr. Irvin said he was never given a copy of the policy.
AlphaCare的董事长乔尔·兰多(Joel Landau)拒绝确认是否清除了欧文的手机信息。他提供了一份有关AlphaCare BYOD政策的文件,该政策从7月份开始生效,其中包括涉及远程清除的规定。欧文说,公司从未向他提供该政策相关文件。

Phone wiping is just another example of the complications that emerge when the distinctions between our work and personal lives collapse. Employers increasingly expect workers to be available 24/7 but don't always provide company equipment to make that possible, leaving workers in a bind: Expose themselves to losing personal information when a phone is erased, or refuse to use a personal device and risk looking disengaged.

The practice hangs in legal limbo at the moment, say employment lawyers and privacy advocates, thanks to the inability of legislation and case law to keep pace with innovation. The Society for Human Resource Management in November warned its members that phone wiping 'will likely be tested through the courts in the days and months ahead.'
劳动法律师和隐私权倡导者称,由于立法和判例法没能跟上创新的脚步,这种做法目前尚处于法律的灰色地带。美国人力资源管理协会(Society for Human Resource Management) 11月份警告其成员,清除手机数据之举“今后一段时间可能会在法庭上接受考验”。

If erasing a phone is necessary from a data-protection standpoint, employers should give workers advance notice so they can back up personal information, said Lewis Maltby, founder of the National Workrights Institute, a noNPRofit group that monitors workplace issues, including privacy. Instead, many are simply 'following the path of least resistance without thinking about the consequences' for employees.
美国工作权利学会(National Workrights Institute)创始人刘易斯·莫尔特比(Lewis Maltby)表示,如果从数据保护角度来说有清除手机信息的必要性,那么雇主应该提前告知员工,好让员工备份个人信息。但许多雇主只是“按阻力最小的方式来,而不考虑给员工造成的后果”。美国工作权利学会是一家监控隐私权等职场问题的非盈利组织。

Many employers have a pro forma user agreement that pops up when employees connect to an email or network server via a personal device, he added. But even if these documents explicitly state that the company may perform remote wipes, workers often don't take the time to read it before clicking the 'I agree' button.

Phone wiping has become the most common complaint received in recent months by his organization, Mr. Maltby said.