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The National Sleep Foundation (NSF), an independent nonprofit organization, conducted an international poll to compare the sleeping habits of people in six different countries. 独立的非盈利组织国际睡眠机构(NSF)在全球范围内做了一个问卷调查,来比较六个不同国家人们的睡眠习惯。

The NSF polled individuals in the United States, Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico, and the United Kingdom between the ages of 25 and 55 about their sleep habits. The study wasn't peer reviewed or published in a journal, but here are some interesting facts they found: 该项调查所涉及的国家有:美国、加拿大、德国,日本、墨西哥以及英国,调查人群在25-55岁之间,重点调查他们的睡眠习惯。该项调查并没有正式在期刊上发表,下面是他们发现的一些有趣的事实:

1. Less than half of the respondents in each country are sleeping well every night. 各国调查者中,少于半数的人每晚能睡得很安稳。

2. The United States and Japan are getting the least amount of sleep overall. 美国和日本的平均睡眠时间最少。

Consequently, about one-half from both countries reported at least one nap in the last two weeks. 所以,这两个国家大概只有一半的人表示在过去半个月内午休过至少一次。

3. About a quarter of respondents in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada never or rarely sleep well before a workday. 工作日前一晚,美国、英国和加拿大四分之一的被调查者表示无法安睡。


The United States and Japan led the way for those who get less than six hours of sleep before a workday, and about two-thirds in Japan and half in the United States sleep less than seven hours before work. 美国和日本大部分的调查者工作日前一晚的睡眠时间不到六小时,其中三分之二的日本人和一半的美国人睡眠时间不到七小时。

4. In the United Kingdom almost one-third sleep naked. 三分之一的英国调查者喜欢裸睡。

While over half of the respondents in all six countries reported sleeping in pajamas, the United Kingdom seems to be a little more liberal. 虽然这六个国家的调查者中半数以上的人都声称会穿睡衣睡觉,然而英国似乎要更开明一点。

5. Pillows are most important to the United States. 对于美国人而言,枕头必不可少。

The United States reported the highest average number of pillows (2.2), while Japan reported the lowest (1.1). 美国人均枕头数最高(2.2),日本最低(1.1)。

6. Mexico leads the way in bedroom tidiness. 墨西哥人的卧室最整洁。

Mexico reported 82% make the bed every day or almost every day, and almost one-quarter reported they change the sheets more than once a week. 82%的墨西哥调查者每天或者几乎每天都要铺床,其中四分之一的人表示他们一周至少会换一次床单。