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7. Bedroom scents are common. 卧室香味很常见。

About 65 to 80% of people in every country said they took steps to make sure their bedroom smelled the way they liked, except Japan, where only 28% cared enough to take any action. Regularly airing out the bedroom is important in Germany, with 96% saying they do it more than once a week. 各国65%-80%的人说他们都会给卧室添加自己喜欢的味道,除去日本,只有28%的人会关心卧室气味并采取措施。经常让卧室通风对于德国人而言非常重要,96%的德国调查者说他们一周不止一次会让卧室通通风。

8. A comfortable sleep surface and cozy sheets and bedding were rated the most important romantic elements in all six countries. 所有的人一致认为舒适的床单、柔和的被子是最重要的浪漫元素。

9. The United States' respondents were more likely to sleep with a pet. 美国的被调查者更喜欢和宠物睡在一起。


Over half of respondents in Japan reported sleeping alone, while three-quarters of respondents in Canada reported sleeping with a significant other. 超过半数的日本人表示他们喜欢独自睡觉,同时四分之三的加拿大人表示他们会喜欢和另一半一起睡。

10. The most common activity before bed is watching TV. 睡觉前最常见的活动是看电视。

At least two-thirds or more from each country reported they watch TV before bed. In Mexico 62% reported praying or meditating before bed. 各国至少三分之二的人表示他们睡前会看电视,62%的墨西哥人表示他们睡前会祷告或冥想。

11. At least one-quarter from every country thought about work-related stress in the last two weeks while lying in bed. 各国至少四分之一的人会在床上回想近半个月的工作压力。

Almost 20% in Canada reported work-related stress plagued them every night before bed. Over half in Mexico reported thinking about personal finance stress almost every night. At least a quarter in every country reported thinking about personal life stress almost every night. 20%的加拿大调查者表示工作压力每天晚上都会摧残他们,超过半数的墨西哥调查者表示每晚都会对自己的财政压力表示担忧,而各国至少四分之一的调查者表示他们每晚会考虑自己的个人生活压力。

12. Over 86% in every country agreed quietness created a more relaxing sleep environment. 各国超过86%的人认为安静会带来更加放松的睡眠环境。

However, 61% in Mexico agreed that music also created a relaxing sleep environment. Music was also rated highest in Mexico as a bedroom romance element. 然而,61%的墨西哥调查者认为音乐有助于创造更加轻松的睡眠环境,同时墨西哥调查者也认为音乐是卧室最浪漫的因素。