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3、Optimists practice mindfulness.

It’s easy to get stressed and overwhelmed when you’re always on-the-go. Especially in today’s work reality when we’re reachable at all hours thanks to email, smartphones, and cloud computing.

You need to take some “you time” in order to get refocused and let go of negative emotions. Practicing mindfulness, stillness, or meditation certainly isn’t a new way to reorient your attitude.

4、Optimists dream big.

Dreaming is believing -- and if you reach for the stars, you actually will achieve better results.

As it turns out, there’s some scientific backing to being a pie-in-the-sky optimist. In 1997, researcher Gary McPherson studied child musicians, their goals, and their outcomes later in life. He found the child musicians who imagined themselves playing their instrument forever were more likely to have achieved their goal as a professional musician. So, while it takes more than just a blind belief to achieve success, a little dreaming doesn’t hurt.
事实证明,成为一名空想的乐观者是有科学依据的。1997年,盖瑞 -麦克赫森调查员将儿童音乐家的目标和他们日后的成功进行研究。他发现那些梦想可以永远弹奏乐器的儿童音乐家更容易达成他们成为职业音乐家的梦想。所以,尽管除了渴望成功的盲目信念,我们还需要其他很多方面,但是,心怀壮志总是没有错的。

5、Optimists journal.

As we’ve mentioned, it’s all too easy to focus on the negative events in our lives and mentally skim over the positive. Journaling can help you focus on dispelling negative energy and focusing on upbeat emotions.

During a few quiet moments in your morning or before bed, write a list of positive moments in your day or goals you’re working to achieve.

The secret to optimism is that it doesn’t just happen -- highly optimistic people have to work on maintaining their sunny attitudes. If you want to get ahead in your career, improve your relationships, and just plain enjoy your professional life, it’s time to give optimism a try. Highly optimistic people aren’t just happier, they’re also more successful.