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毛衣起球怎么办 勿要用手指揪拽毛球

Some retailers require suppliers to test sweaters for pilling, says FIT's Mr. Cormier. Certain stores require use of the Martindale Pilling Tester, a large, two-tiered oscillating machine that rubs two swatches of the same material against each another in circular and linear motions. Another option, often used for sturdier fabrics such as upholstery, is the Random Tumble Pilling Tester, a blender-like machine with prongs that rapidly spin three swatches in a cork-lined cylinder.
纽约时装技术学院的科米尔说,一些零售商要求供应商对毛衣进行检测,看看是否起球。某些商店要求使用马丁代尔耐磨仪(Martindale Pilling Tester),这是一种巨大的、两层振摆式机器,它让同一材质的两片样板布以环形和线性运动方式进行相互摩擦。另一个选择是随机翻滚式毛球测试仪(Random Tumble Pilling Tester),这是一种带有尖叉、类似搅拌机的仪器,常用来检测厚实的面料,如家居装饰织物。该机器能让三块样板布在一个带软木塞盖儿的圆筒内快速旋转。

After testing, the samples are held at a 45-degree angle and compared under specified lighting with pilling images, and they are graded on a scale of 1 (total pilling) to 5 (no pilling whatsoever). Most retailers require a 4, which Mr. Cormier describes as 'some pill balls beginning to form.'

Once you buy the sweater, what can you do to prevent pilling? One option is to wear it sparingly -- because the more a garment is worn, the more likely it is to pill, says Lorraine Muir, director of textile testing at the Drycleaning & Laundry Institute. The Woolmark Co. suggests letting clothing 'rest' at least 24 hours before wearing again so the fibers recover from stretching during use.
一旦你买了毛衣,要怎样做才能防止起球呢?干洗和水洗协会(Drycleaning & Laundry Institute)纺织品测试主管洛兰・缪尔(Lorraine Muir)说,其中一个选择就是少穿、穿它的时候要爱惜点儿──因为一件衣服你穿得越多,它就越容易起球。羊毛标志公司建议,让衣物在下次被穿之前至少“休息”上24小时,这样的话,纤维才能从穿戴过程的拉伸状态中恢复过来。

Gale Senseny, sales manager of Sweater Stone Inc., makers of a pill-removing device in Issaquah, Wash., has a once-a-year trick to help prevent pilling on the sweaters that fill her wardrobe. She conditions them with lanolin, an oil that comes from sheep and is removed in the fiber-cleansing process. Ms. Senseny breaks down a small bit of lanolin in a dish of hot water and then fills a sink with tepid water. She pours the lanolin in, followed by a just-washed sweater. She rinses the garment and lays it out on a towel to dry.
毛衣石公司(Sweater Stone Inc.)是一家位于华盛顿州伊萨夸市(Issaquah, Wash.)的去除毛球设备生产商,该公司销售经理盖尔・森丝尼(Gale Senseny)每年都会用一个小诀窍来防止自己衣橱里的毛衣起球。她会用羊毛脂来修复保养毛衣,羊毛脂是羊身上分泌出来的一种油脂,在纤维清洗过程中被去除。森丝尼先将一小块羊毛脂放入一盘热水中进行分解,接着用温水将水槽填满。她把羊毛脂水倒进去,再将一件刚刚洗 的毛衣也扔进去。对衣物进行清洗后,她会将毛衣展开平铺在一条毛巾上晾干。

The process helps smooth the scales on the yarn's fiber, making them less rough and less likely to tangle with one another to form a pill. 'It's just like putting conditioner in your hair,' Ms. Senseny says.

To remove pills, Ms. Senseny, not surprisingly, uses her company's Sweater Stone. The pumice stone resembles a bar of soap. When glided over a garment it removes the pills, but it won't alter what Ms. Senseny calls the sweater's 'halo' or 'unique surface.' An electronic pill remover, she says, can damage the halo of mohair and cashmere. 'It's like shaving a beard,' she says.

There are comb-like tools for removing pills, such as the palm-sized D-Fuzz-It Sweater and Fabric Comb. The Gleener has three different edges -- for big, bulky clumps, for medium-size fuzz balls and for delicate pills. President Kim Cole developed it with new synthetic fibers in mind. 'They are inherently strong, so the pilling is actually strong' and harder to remove, she said.
还有一些梳子形状的去毛球工具,比如说手掌大小的D-Fuzz-It毛衣与纤维梳子(D-Fuzz-It Sweater and Fabric Comb)。而Gleener则有三个不同的刀口──专门针对那些大块厚重的纱团、中等大小的毛球还有微小的毛粒。在研发这款产品时,总裁金姆・科尔(Kim Cole)考虑到了新出的合成纤维类衣物。她说:“它们本来就厚实,所以生出的毛球真的也很强固”,而且更难去除。

The Internet is littered with do-it-yourself ways to remove pills that involve disposable razors or sandpaper. The Laundress's Ms. Whiting doesn't recommend any of these because of the potential for further damage, including snagging, harming the yarn or making a hole.

For anyone tempted to pull pills off with your fingers, Ms. Whiting says don't. 'You are yanking the yarn it is attached to,' she says. 'You could end up making it worse.'