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Financial happiness doesn't come easy when your money isn't right. Debt, overdrawn accounts, and too little income can drain you emotionally.

This situation is all too common. But some people have discovered how to be financially happy. What's their secret?In most cases, it's all about adopting smarter financial habits — something anyone can learn.


1. They take steps to reach goals.
1. 他们想办法实现目标。

Wanting to find your financial happiness is one thing; taking steps to achieve this is an entirely different story.

Financially happy people don't wait for money to fall into their lap. They pave their own path. Here's the thing: if all you do is sit back and moan about your finances, things may never change. Identify where you need to make improvements, and then create a realistic financial plan that works for you. If you need a little help, get a financial planner.

2. They spend within a budget.
2. 他们的花费控制在预算之内。

These individuals realize that there are limits to what they can do — financially speaking. Like anyone, they would probably enjoy shopping whenever they like, going on vacations whenever they like, and spending money however they like. But this isn't the reality for most people, and financially happy people know this. They stick with a budget, which is how they avoid unnecessary debt and have enough income to pay bills.

3. They pay credit balances and maintain good credit.
3. 他们付卡帐并且有良好信用。

Being financially happy starts with being financially responsible. These individuals understand the dangers of credit cards and the importance of good credit. They may only use a credit card when absolutely necessary and pay off the balance each month. Their habit of timely payments and only buying what they can afford contributes to low debt and a higher credit score.

4. They plan for financial misfortune.
4. 他们未雨绸缪。

It may look as if financially happy people have zero financial worries. But they know that misfortune can happen at anytime, and they take steps to protect themselves and their families against unforeseen events.

For example, they will have life insurance to protect their spouses and children in the event of an untimely death. And they will have set aside a cash reserve as backup in a financial crisis. Careful preparation provides peace of mind.

5. They don't define success by the size of their bank accounts.
5. 他们不以账户数额的大小界定成功。

While these individuals work hard to care for themselves and family, happiness and success isn't necessarily determined by the number of zeros in their bank accounts. They recognize the danger of basing success on a dollar amount. Financial happiness comes from knowing that they're on the right path and making responsible choices with their money.