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6. They find satisfaction in what they have.
6. 他们在自己拥有的东西中找到满足感。

Financially happy people live within their means and ignore the temptation to keep up with everybody else. Income levels vary and they realize that keeping up with the Joneses can bring more headaches than joy. They do what they can according to their income and they're content with their life — even if it means driving a regular car and living in a smaller house.

7. They control impulse spending.
7. 他们能控制冲动消费。

Impulsive spending can bust budgets and drain finances. A person who's financially happy doesn't shop on a whim. They typically plan purchases and only spend if it's in the budget.

8. They are well-informed borrowers.
8. 他们是消息灵通的借款人。

Whether they're applying for a credit card or applying for a mortgage loan, they always compare different products and do their homework to ensure they're getting the best deal. If they don't feel comfortable with a particular offer, they're not afraid to walk away.

9. They haven't avoided retirement planning.
9. 他们不排斥退休计划。

If you're in your 20s or early 30s, retirement planning may be the farthest thing from your mind. But if you want to be financially happy in your later years, you need to start now.

Retirement planning isn't something to put off until you're in your mid-30s. The age that you start preparing dictates your quality of life in retirement. Financially happy people think long-term and they know that the decisions they make today have a major impact on their financial future.

10. They don't give up.
10. 他们不放弃。

Even with a good financial plan, setbacks can happen. Losing your job and living off savings can wipe out everything you've stashed over the past couple of years. And unexpected bills or illnesses can delay goals, such as paying off debt and buying a home. However, a financially happy person knows that life happens and they don't quickly throw in the towel. They believe in comebacks and do whatever it takes to reach their goals.