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纽约市曼哈顿上城区建筑物爆炸导致3人死亡 60人受伤




Amassive explosion followed by a fire at a pair of apartment buildings in upper Manhattan on Wednesdayhas left three people dead and at least 60 injured, officials say.




Theextent of all injuries wasn't immediately known, but earlier in the day fireofficials said seven people were in serious condition, including two withlife-threatening injuries.




Rescuersare currently combing through bricks by hand in an effort to locate otherpossible victims. More than a dozen people are reportedly unaccounted for.




“Thereare a number of people missing,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference.“I emphasize that those who are missing could well be safe in another locationand just not contacted yet or reachable yet.”




TheFDNY said it received a call shortly after 9:30 a.m. reporting a large explosion in the five-storyapartment building on Park Avenue near 116th Street in East Harlem.




Theblast shattered windows and crumbled walls up to several blocks away from theexplosion. Residents in the neighborhood told reporters they feared theearthshaking boom was a terrorist attack. One man was so worried, he told cnn,that he rushed out of his home wearing nothing but his underwear.




"Thisis a tragedy of the worst kind," de Blasio said. "There was noindication in time to save people."

“这是悲剧中最糟糕的一类“ 纽约市长比尔·白思豪这么说道,”没有迹象表明有足够的时间救人。“



Basedon preliminary information, the mayor said, “The only indication of danger cameabout 15 minutes earlier when a gas leak was reported to Con Edison. Con Eddispatched a team to respond. The explosion occurred before that team couldarrive."




ConEdison spokesman Bob McGee said that thecompany received a call from a resident of an adjacent building who reportedsmelling gas inside "but indicated the odor may have been coming fromoutside the building." Two Con Ed crews were dispatched at 9:15 a.m. but arrived just after theexplosion.




RubenBorrero, a resident of one of the flattened buildings, told the AssociatedPress that the smell of gas was “unbearable” and residents complained about itrepeatedly, even as recently as Tuesday. Con Edisonsays it received no gas complaints from the building before Wednesday, the AP reported.

一位住在倒塌建筑物附近的居民Ruben Borrero告诉美联社记者那股气味的味道令人无法忍受,附近居民曾多次抱怨此事,最近的一次甚至就在周二,而爱迪生公司则声称他们在周三以前没有收到任何关于煤气的投诉,美联社报道。



Police,including some wearing gas masks, "handed out medical masks to residentsand onlookers because of the thick white smoke that shrouded the area."




Thefire department responded with 44 units and more than 250 firefighters to thefive-alarm incident. According to public records, the address that firefightersinitially responded to — 1646 Park Ave. — was built in 1910.




Reachedby phone, an employee of the man who owns the building told Yahoo News that shedidn't know what might have sparked the blast. The five-story building is hometo four floors of apartments and Absolute Piano on the street level. Theemployee said everyone at the piano shop was safe.
