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央视315晚会 尼康和支付宝遭点名


China's powerful government-controlled television broadcaster took aim at Japanese camera company Nikon Corp. on Saturday in its annual campaign to stamp out service and quality problems that stifle the country's domestic consumption.
有着巨大影响力的中国官方媒体中央电视台在周六举行的一年一度的315晚会上将矛头指向日本相机生产商尼康(Nikon Corp.)。央视315晚会旨在曝光国内消费市场中隐藏的服务和质量问题。

In a two-hour prime-time show, held in honor of World Consumer Rights Day, China Central Television accused Nikon of selling faulty cameras and skirting warranty policies. The report said many consumers found black spots repeatedly appearing in photos taken with the D600 Nikon camera model.

央视315晚会 尼康和支付宝遭点名

'Nikon's attitude is to avoid, conceal and offer excuses, making many people disappointed,' a CCTV presenter said in the broadcast.

Nikon wasn't immediately available for comment. China is a key market for the Japanese camera maker.

The broadcast also targeted Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., alleging the company's ZhiFuBao payment system has a loophole in its password protection, exposing consumers to the risks of stolen accounts.
央视此次曝光对象还包括电商巨头阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.),称该公司的支付系统支付宝的密码保护存在漏洞,消费者帐户存在被盗风险。

A spokeswoman for Alibaba's payment systems said the company has 'robust security and risk management' and monitors transactions closely at all times.

The 315 broadcast, as it is known in China for the date of consumer rights day, has become an annual tradition that attempts to empower consumers and crack down on poor business practices in the country.

China's leaders are looking to consumers to boost purchases at home and pave the way for a consumption-led economy. But poor product quality and safety problems have played a role in muffling consumer spending.

People at multinational companies typically brace for the broadcast, which has in the past targeted such companies as electronics giant Apple Inc., AAPL -1.12% car maker Volkswagen AG and fast-food company McDonald's Corp.
跨国公司常常是315晚会的重点批评对象。过去几年,电子产品巨头苹果公司(Apple Inc.)、汽车制造商大众汽车(Volkswagen AG)以及快餐连锁店麦当劳(McDonald's Corp.)都曾是315晚会的曝光对象。

CCTV's report last year alleging Apple skirted warranty periods and adopted biased customer-service policies for Chinese customers resulted in an apology letter signed by Apple's Chief Executive Tim Cook. Mr. Cook vowed to revamp aspects of its customer-service policies in China.
央视去年曝光苹果蓄意回避保修期,而且针对中国消费者执行歧视性的服务政策。之后苹果首席执行长库克(Tim Cook)发布了一封致歉信,承诺修改在华消费服务政策的条款。