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Though not as fast out of the gate as 'The Hunger Games' or 'Twilight,' the action-thriller 'Divergent' enjoyed a strong enough opening weekend that it is likely to become the newest member of Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.'s LGF -7.85% stable of young-adult series.
虽然不像《饥饿游戏》(The Hunger Games)或《暮光之城》(Twilight)那样来势迅猛,动作悬疑片《分歧者》(Divergent)上映首周末依然赚足票房,很可能成为狮门影业(Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.)旗下又一部受青年人追捧的系列电影。

Indeed, Lions Gate is planning to begin production in May on the sequel, based on the second book in the trilogy. The sequel, 'Insurgent,' will be released in theaters next March.


'Divergent,' adapted from the best-selling science-fiction novel and starring Shailene Woodley, opened to $56 million in the U.S. and Canada, according to studio estimates. That's less than the original 'Twilight,' which started off with $69.6 million in 2008, and 'The Hunger Games,' which grossed $152.5 million on its opening weekend in 2012.
《分歧者》改编自热门科幻小说,由谢琳・伍德利(Shailene Woodley)主演。据片方估计,这部影片在美国和加拿大上映首个周末共获得5,600万美元票房。相比之下,2008年上映的《暮光之城》第一部首周末的票房成绩是6,960万美元,2012年上映的《饥饿游戏》第一部首周末票房则高达1.525亿美元。

For a film made at a budget of $85 million, however, the opening was a clear win, putting it well above recent young-adult flops from other studios such as 'Vampire Academy,' 'The Mortal Instruments,' and 'Beautiful Creatures.'
不过,对于一部制作成本只有8,500万美元的电影来说,这个成绩已足够奠定胜局了。相比近期上映的《吸血鬼学院》(Vampire Academy)、《圣杯神器》(The Mortal Instruments)和《美丽生灵》(Beautiful Creatures)等其他瞄准青少年观众的票房失败的电影,《分歧者》遥遥领先。

'This is exactly where we wanted to be,' said Lions Gate president of distribution Richard Fay. 'It's the beginning of another franchise for us.'
狮门影业主管影片发行的总裁理查德・费伊(Richard Fay)说,这正是公司想要的结果,对公司而言,这是又一部系列电影的开始。

Lions Gate has built its film business over the past few years in large part on adaptations of popular young-adult novels.