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The 'Divergent' trilogy, by author Veronica Roth, has sold 16 million copies so far. 'The Hunger Games' series had sold 24 million copies before its first movie was released, while 'Twilight' has sold 25 million.
《分歧者》三部曲的作者是韦罗妮卡・罗斯(Veronica Roth),这部小说目前已卖出1,600万套。《饥饿游戏》系列小说在第一部电影上映前卖出了2,400万套,《暮光之城》则卖出了2,500万套。

Despite overwhelmingly negative reviews, the opening weekend audience embraced 'Divergent,' giving it an average grade of A, according to market research firm CinemaScore.

Exit polls indicated that the audience included significantly more men than the first 'Twilight' and slightly more than the first 'Hunger Games,' said Mr. Fay.

'Divergent' has yet to open overseas.

The weekend's other new nationwide release was 'The Muppets Most Wanted,' from Walt Disney Co. DIS -0.57% , which opened to $16.5 million. That is significantly less than 2011's big screen revival of the series starring Kermit the Frog and his friends, which took in $29.2 million its first weekend.
上周末另一部在全国范围上映的电影是华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)出品的《布偶大电影2》(The Muppets Most Wanted),上映首周末票房达1,650万美元。而2011年上映的《布偶大电影》第一部的首周末票房为2,920万美元,相比之下续集逊色不少。

Disney distribution president Dave Hollis said the studio was aiming for a better opening for the $54 million production. But he said he is hopeful that with spring break starting the next few weeks, 'Muppets Most Wanted' will be able to draw children who are off from school.
迪士尼负责发行的执行副总裁霍利斯(Dave Hollis)说,片方本来希望这部制作成本5,400万美元的电影在上映首周末会有更好的成绩。但他说,随着未来几周春假开始,他相信《布偶大电影2》能吸引放假的学生来观看。

'God's Not Dead,' an independently made movie released in 780 theaters (compared to more than 3,000 for 'Muppets' and 'Divergent'), took in a solid $8.5 million, showing the continued strength of the Christian audience.
独立制作的电影《上帝未死》(God's Not Dead)在780家影院上映(相比之下,放映《布偶大电影2》和《分歧者》的影院超过3,000家),票房收入达到850万美元,相当不错,这说明基督教观众仍然力挺这部电影。