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Such comments might seem like throwing stones at a wasp's nest. But Mr. Ma himself is a ferocious competitor: Alibaba is one of the few Chinese Internet companies that have managed to fight off a Western competitor--eBay--entirely on its own.

Meanwhile, the company is continuing to up the ante. On Wednesday, Alibaba introduced an unusual new fund allowing Internet users to invest directly in a product that will help finance four different film projects. Though the company says it can't guarantee returns, investors should expect a 7% return from the year-long investment--and the ability to help cast the movies, it says.

Li Yanli, an investor in Beijing, said she liked the fund because it was a 'cool' idea, but would be cautious. 'Since the new product won't guarantee either principal or return, I am not very sure how risky it could be,' said Ms. Li, adding that she planned to invest just a few hundred yuan 'for fun.'

While high-profile battles such as this week's aren't unusual for China's Internet companies--public feuds between Internet executives and noisy accusations of copyright theft are common--for the most part in the past, regulators have been content to let China's Internet giants slug it out among themselves.

That soon could change, though, as the feisty spirit and belligerence of the country's Internet industry runs up against a Chinese banking industry known mostly for its entrenched state-backed monopolies. After all, while Alibaba's Mr. Ma has friends in high places, the heads of China's largest banks are equally powerful.