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6. Making the interview about them

not the employer. ”Job seekers who spend their initial interview talking about why they need a job, how much they want some company benefit, etc. instead of talking about how they will solve problems for the company and bring value are ensuring they will not be asked back for second interviews or hiring,” says Karen Southall Watts, consultant, coach and speaker. “Everyone is well aware of the fact that people need jobs. Hiring managers want to know why, of all the needy, worthy candidates, they should hire you.”

7. Dressing inappropriately in professional settings

”Often, first-time job seekers have not been exposed to work-appropriate attire,” says Lindsay Witcher, manager of practice development at RiseSmart, which provides next-generation enterprise career management solutions. “How you dress directly affects how people perceive you and whether or not they will take you seriously. For this reason, make sure you are dressed professionally when networking and interviewing. If you aren’t sure what is appropriate, ask for the opinions of a few people you trust who have a few years of successful professional experience under their belt.”

8. Being unenthusiastic

”Enthusiasm is critical to being considered for a position,” Witcher says. “If you appear bored or as if you have something better to do while interviewing or networking, hiring managers will not consider you as a viable candidate. Show enthusiasm not only through your conversation, but through your knowledge about the company and your interest in the position.”

9. Focusing on salary

”Young professionals often fail to look at the big picture when deciding whether or not to take a position and instead focus too much on the salary,” says Chaz Pitts-Kyser, speaker on career/life topics for young professionals and author of “Embracing the Real World: The Black Woman’s Guide to Life After College.” “But how happy will they be with what seems to be a great salary if their benefits are measly, the commute gives them a headache or their workload is insane? Everything about a company and what it offers and does not offer should be taken into consideration prior to accepting or rejecting a job offer.”
“年轻职业人往往不从决定要不要这个工作职位的大局上着眼,反而过于关注自己的工资问题,”职业/人生主题演讲者Chaz Pitts-Kyser说,他也是《接受真实世界》的作者:该书内容是黑人女性毕业人生指南。”“但是如果求职者们要求不是很高的话,那么给他们一笔自己认为还算不错的薪水,他们该是多么高兴呢!上下班的辛苦劳累让他们感到头痛?还是超负荷的工作量让他们发疯?关于一家公司的一切,它能给你什么不能给你什么,面试之前都应该考虑好时接受还是拒绝这份工作。”

10. Knowingly taking the wrong job

”Times are hard, and it’s not always wise to hold out for the perfect job,” Watts says. “However, when you get that sinking feeling, and you know a position is a poor match for your skills or temperament, you are wise to pass. When in doubt, discuss with a mentor before making irreversible decisions.”