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Successful people understand that their success starts and ends with their own mental and physical health, and that it’s almost entirely dependent upon them getting enough sleep. That’s why bedtime routines are a key ritual for so many of them – and why the very last thing most successful people do before bed is read.

Here are nine things successful people do before retiring for the night:


1. Read. Experts agree that reading is the very last thing most successful people do before going to sleep. Numerous business leaders block off time just before bed for reading, going so far as to schedule it as a “non-negotiable item” on their calendar. This isn’t necessarily reserved just for business reading or inspirational reading. Many successful people find value in being browsers of information from a variety of sources, believing it helps fuel greater creativity and passion in their lives.1. 阅读。专家称阅读是很多成功人士睡前必做的一件事情。不少成功人士都会抽出时间在睡前阅读,而且雷打不动。这不仅是为了补充商业知识或是获得灵感,而且很多成功人士认为浏览各类信息能够激发创造力,给生活带来激情。

2. Meditate. Many successful people use the 10 minutes before bed to meditate. Dale Kurow, a New York-based executive coach, says it’s a great way to relax your body and quiet your mind.
2. 冥想。不少成功人士睡前会做十分钟的冥想。高管培训师戴尔就说,冥想是帮助放松身体、平静心灵的好方法。

3. Reflect on the day. many successful people take the time just before bed to reflect on, or to write down, three things they are appreciative of that happened that day. Keeping a ‘gratitude journal’ also reminds people of the progress they made that day in any aspect of their life, which in turn serves as a key way to stay motivated, especially when going through a challenging period.
3. 回想当天。很多成功人士在睡前会回想或是写下当天发生的事,尤其是令他们感激的事情。写一篇“感恩日记”能够提醒人们当天在生活各方面取得的进步,这让人们在迎接挑战的时候更有动力。

4. Make your to-do list. Clearing the mind for a good night sleep is critical for a lot of successful people. Often they will take this time to write down a list of any unattended items to address the following day, so these thoughts don’t end up invading their head space during the night.
4. 列一张计划清单。对成功人士来说,抛开纷扰以获得好的睡眠至关重要。这时候,他们通常会列一张计划清单,写清楚明天要做的事情,这样睡觉的时候就不会一直想着这个问题了。