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6. Jonah Peretti pulls out the business or sports section from the New York Times for the subway ride; his wife keeps the rest.
6. 乔纳·佩雷蒂在地铁上阅读《纽约时报》的商业和体育部分,他的妻子负责剩下的版块。

The Buzzfeed founder and CEO wakes up around 8:30 a.m. and heads into the office with the sports or business section of the New York Times, he tells The Wire. He also takes New York magazine; subscriptions to the New Yorker and Economist fell by the wayside after he had twins.

7. Steve Reinemund reads the Dallas Morning News and several national dailies.
7. 史蒂夫·雷蒙德阅读《达拉斯早报》和一些全国性日报。

The former PepsiCo CEO gets up promptly at 5:30 a.m. and heads downstairs with a stack of newspapers, Starwinar.com reports. He goes through the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Financial Times, as well as the Dallas Morning News.

8. Howard Schultz has kept his morning reading routine intact for 25 years.
8. 霍华德·舒尔茨的晨读习惯已经保持25年了。

In 2006, the Starbucks CEO told cnnMoney that he gets up between 5 and 5:30 a.m., makes coffee, and then picks up three newspapers: the Seattle Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times. The habit must work, because he's stuck with it for more than two decades.

9. Nate Silver checks Twitter, Memeorandum, and Real Clear Politics pre-coffee in election years.
9. 内特·希尔浏览Twitter,Memeorandum和Real Clear Politics网站。

The FiveThirtyEight editor-in-chief shared his election-year reading habits with The Wire. He starts with Twitter, Memeorandum, and Real Clear Politics before his coffee. He might hit the snooze button if nothing is breaking. Later come blogs like The Atlantic, Marginal Revolution, and Andrew Sullivan.
内特·希尔是FiveThirtyEight的主编。他每天会在喝咖啡之前浏览Twitter、Memeorandum和Real Clear Politics几个网站。如果没有什么事情的话,会打个小盹儿。之后就是一些博客了。

10. Gary Whitehill supplements the Wall Street Journal with dozens of RSS feeds.
10. 盖瑞·怀特希尔则是《华尔街日报》和一些订阅新闻

Whitehill, the founder of Entrepreneur Week, spends the first part of his day reading 40 pages in whatever his current book is, scanning through 63 RSS feeds, and perusing the Wall Street Journal.
Entrepreneur Week的创始人,盖瑞·怀特希尔每天早晨会阅读40页的书,再加上63条订阅新闻,接着就是《华尔街日报了》。