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Kate Davidson Hudson, co-founder of the luxury accessories website Editorialist, recently traveled to Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks while she was more than five months into her pregnancy. She found herself packing pieces from designers who favor boxier shapes, including a snakeskin-printed shift dress from Stella McCartney. 'There are ways to play around with sizing with contemporary and designer brands so you still feel like yourself, but don't look like a sausage squeezed into a runway look,' said Ms. Davidson Hudson, adding that it's better to wear more fitted items as your bump grows, counterintuitive as it may seem. 'You almost need something body-con when you get to seven or eight months, to define the belly,' she said. A body-skimming knit dress from the designer Rick Owens that had languished in her closet for seasons proved pivotal during her first pregnancy, in 2011. In addition to his edgy aesthetic and penchant for leather, Mr. Owens is known for his neutral color palette and use of forgiving fabrics.
奢侈配饰网站Editorialist联合创始人凯特・戴维德森・赫德森(Kate Davidson Hudson)最近怀着五个多月的身孕去米兰和巴黎参加时装周。她发现自己选择了偏爱箱型款式的设计师的作品,包括斯特拉・麦卡特尼(Stella McCartney)的一条蛇皮图案宽松直筒连衣裙。她说:“有很多方式可以对当代和设计师品牌的东西进行发挥,从而让自己感到自信,但不要弄得像一根香肠塞进T台时装里一样。”她说随着肚子越来越大,穿衣服最好越来越合身,这点看似违背常理。她说:“到了七八个月的时候差不多就需要贴身的衣服了,好让肚子的轮廓显现出来。”她有一件设计师瑞克・欧文斯设计的修身针织连衣裙,已经闲置在衣橱好几年了。结果这条裙子在她2011年第一次怀孕期间起到了关键作用。除了敏锐的审美和对真皮的偏爱,欧文斯还以中性色系和常用宽松面料而闻名。

Laure Heriard Dubreuil, founding partner of the Miami boutique the Webster, is also a fan of Mr. Owens, as well as Azzedine Alaïa bodysuits, for expecting moms. 'I learned that it's better to wear tighter clothes,' said Ms. Heriard Dubreuil, citing a particularly ill-advised oversize gown that made her feel frumpy at a formal event. 'Most of [Owens's] pants or skirts have elastic bands, so you can wear them low-waist,' added Ms. Heriard Dubreuil, whose son was born in January. 'The drop crotch of his pants also works well, so you have a cool look.'
迈阿密Webster精品店创始合伙人劳雷・埃里亚尔・迪布勒伊(Laure Heriard Dubreuil)也是欧文斯的粉丝,她也很喜欢阿瑟丁・阿拉亚(Azzedine Alaia)的紧身衣。她说:“我听说最好是穿紧一点的衣服。”她提到有一次参加正式活动时,听了别人糟糕的建议穿了一件大号裙子,最后让自己觉得很上不了台面。她说:“欧文斯大多数的裤子或裙子都有松紧带,所以可以低腰穿。低裆剪裁的裤子也很不错,会显得很酷。” 埃里亚尔・迪布勒伊1月份生了一个儿子。

Slip dresses are another of Ms. Heriard Dubreuil's go-tos. After falling in love with a long bias-cut version she found at C. Madeleine's, a vintage store in Miami, she had her tailor reproduce it in several other colors. She wore the original (and her copies) under a Balenciaga leather jacket or long cardigan from Acne. 'They are perfect when you're pregnant, because your cleavage looks beautiful and you show your belly,' she said.
吊带裙也是埃里亚尔・迪布勒伊喜欢的装扮。她在迈阿密古着店C. Madeleine's发现了一条斜线剪裁的吊带长裙后非常喜欢,于是让自己的裁缝用好几种颜色仿制了同款。她里面穿着这条裙子(以及仿制的那几条),外面穿巴黎世家的皮夹克或者Acne的长羊毛开衫。她说:“怀孕的时候这样穿很完美,因为你的乳沟看起来很美,而且肚子也显出来了。”

Looking good may be directly correlated to feeling great, but so is being physically comfortable-especially in your third trimester. Nadiyah Bradshaw-Spencer-a production director for the Manhattan clothing label Suno-is due this month with her first baby. She's long since abandoned her suede Nicholas Kirkwood stilettos in favor of ankle boots from the same designer with a small, foot-friendly block heel. Actress Ms. Washington appreciates comfort as well. 'It's been fun to explore how to fuse comfort and fashion in a different way,' she said. 'That's why tailoring is so important.'
穿着漂亮可能会让自己感觉很好,但身体的舒服也同样重要──尤其是在最后三个月的时候。曼哈顿时装品牌Suno生产总监纳迪娅・布拉德肖-斯宾塞(Nadiyah Bradshaw-Spencer)第一个孩子的预产期是三月份。她早就抛弃了那双小山羊皮的Nicholas Kirkwood细高跟鞋,改穿同样品牌但穿起来更舒服的粗跟及踝靴。演员华盛顿也很注重舒适度。她说:“探索将舒适和时尚结合起来的不同方式很好玩,这就是为何剪裁如此重要。”

Ms. Heriard Dubreuil, of the Webster, made concessions to comfort during pregnancy too, swapping her heels for sneakers from Pierre Hardy, and ditching her heavy bags for Olympia Le Tan clutches. As she prepared recently to travel to Paris for Fashion Week with her son, the new mother said she was packing those sneakers, but that the Olympia Le Tan clutches were staying at home. 'Unfortunately,' said Ms. Heriard Dubreuil, 'they can't fit the diapers.'
Webster的埃里亚尔・迪布勒伊在怀孕期间也对舒适做出了妥协,她把高跟鞋换成了皮埃尔・哈迪(Pierre Hardy)的球鞋,沉甸甸的大包也换成了Olympia Le Tan小手包。最近准备带儿子参加巴黎时尚周时,这位新妈妈说她带上了那些球鞋,但把Olympia Le Tan手包留在了家里。她说:“可惜这些手包装不下尿布。