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Being fashionably late is so out of fashion — arriving late to interviews, meetings, and appointments is not only rude, but can also negatively impact your career and relationships. If you are constantly rushing out the door but still can't seem to make a rendezvous on time, maybe it's time for a lifestyle change. Read on to find out the seven habits of extremely punctual people, but don't put them off until tomorrow!

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1. They're realistic.

People who are chronically late underestimate how long it will take them to take a shower, get dressed, and reach a destination. Punctual people are realistic about their time and will often add a few extra minutes to give themselves some wiggle room.

If you want to start planning realistically, write down how long you think it takes you to do your morning routine. Then for a week, track how long it actually takes you to get ready, and use that new estimate when planning out your mornings.

2. They prepare for unexpected delays.

This habit is related to the one mentioned above about giving yourself buffer time. Punctual people prepare for any unforeseen delays due to traffic, getting lost, forgetting something at home, etc.

If they're going somewhere that is 10 minutes away, they leave 20 to 25 minutes ahead to account for any unexpected scenarios. By giving themselves buffer time, they often arrive early — but never late.

3. They're fine with downtime.

Because punctual people give themselves buffer time, they often arrive early — and they are more than comfortable enjoying a few minutes waiting. Whether they are checking emails, reviewing notes, reading a book, or clearing their heads, punctual people not only enjoy their downtime, but also come prepared with something to do.

People who are chronically late, however, do not enjoy their downtime and prefer the thrill of rushing to and from a place. If you want to be more comfortable waiting for someone, then bring a book or an iPad to help pass the time.