Last year, thousands of Chinese touristsflocked to Yellowstone National Park to view the mountains, the buffalo and OldFaithful.
Later, at least 1,600 trekked to the Ranchat Ucross, some 200 miles to the east, where they feasted on burgers made fromsaid beast, baked beans and biscuits. Following lunch, they were treated to ademonstration of rodeo-style riding by 14-year-old Katie Wilhelm.
随后,至少有1600名游客又艰苦跋涉来到了黄石公园以东两百英里处的Ranch atUcross牧场酒店,在那里享用水牛汉堡包、烘豆以及小面包。午餐之后,又观看了14岁少女KatieWilhelm的骑乘表演。
"She takes off with that big Americanflag in her stirrup, and they go crazy," said ranch owner Judie Blair. "All the political issues between thetwo countries just evaporate."
“她和那个巨大的美国国旗一起飞了起来,观众们都疯狂了,”该牧场所有者Judie Blair如是说。“两国间所有的政治问题都烟消云散了。”
Blair is one of a growing number of U.S.business owners looking to capitalize on the surge in Chinese tourism to theUnited States.
越来越多美国企业主想要赚来美国旅游的中国游客的钱财,Judie Blair是这众多美国企业主中的一个。
Spurred by increasing urbanization, risinglevels of disposable income and relaxed travel restrictions, Chinese visitorsto the United States jumped from under 400,000 in 2007 to almost 1.5 million in 2012,according to the U.S. Commerce Department. The Chinese spend more travelingthan any other nation: In 2012, they spent almost $9 billion in the UnitedStates.
Blair hosted over 80 buses of Chinesetourists at the three hotels she owns in Cody, Wyo., last year. It's a smallbut rapidly growing part of her family-run business, Blair Hotels, which alsoincludes the ranch. This year, she's expecting 160 buses, and over 200 arealready booked for 2015. The increase in Chinese tour groups has helped offset lossesfrom other Asian countries.
去年,在他位于怀俄明州科迪所拥有的三家酒店里,Blair总共接待了80辆大巴的中国游客。Blair Hotels酒店连锁是其家族经营的生意,规模虽小,但增长速度够快,其中就包括Ranchat Ucross牧场酒店。今年,他能迎来150辆大巴的中国游客,2015年的预定数已经超过了200辆大巴。中国旅游团的增加抵消了其他亚洲国家旅游团减少所带来的消极影响。
Cody (founded by William "BuffaloBill" Cody) offers easy access to Yellowstone -- which is hugely popularwith Chinese tourists thanks to an Chinese television program on U.S. NationalParks, said Blair.
科迪(由野牛比尔创立,野牛比尔是William Frederick Cody 的绰号,1846~1917,美国西部拓荒时代的传奇人物,传说曾在17个月中捕杀野牛4280头,将牛肉供应修筑太平洋大铁路的工人)提供进入黄石公园的快捷通道。Blair说由于受到中国一个有关美国国家公园的电视节目的影响,所以黄石公园特别受中国游客欢迎。
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