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2014-04-09来源:Linked in
6. Keep a journal vs. Say you keep a journal but don’t
6. 写日记 vs. 说自己要写日记但从来没写过

Keeping a journal is a great way to jot down quick ideas or thoughts. Writing them down can lead to something even greater. You can even use mobile apps or your Notes function in your phone. But don’t fool yourself by saying you keep a journal and not following through.

7. Read every day vs. Watch TV every day
7. 每天读书 vs. 每天看电视

Reading every day educates you on new subjects. Whether you are reading a blog, your favorite magazine or a good book, you can learn and become more knowledgeable as you read. Watching television, on the other hand, may be good entertainment or an escape, but you'll rarely get anything out of TV to help you become more successful.

8. Continuously learn vs. Fly by the seat of your pants
8. 不断学习 vs. 三分钟热度

Continuously learning and improving is the only way to grow. You can be a step above your competition and become more flexible because you know more. If you just fly by the seat of your pants, you could be passing up opportunities that prevent you from learning (and growing!)

9. Forgive others vs. Hold a grudge
9. 原谅他人 vs. 不断抱怨

Everybody makes mistakes; it’s human. The only way to get past the mistake is to forgive and move on. Dwelling on anger only makes things worse - for you.

10.  Keep a “To-Be” list vs. Don’t know what you want to be
10. 拥有梦想 vs. 前路迷茫

A “To-Be” list is a great way to strategize for the future. I want to be an elected official one day. I want to be a TED speaker. I want to be the CEO of a public company. I want to be a great father and husband. Unsuccessful people have no idea what they want to be. If you don’t know what you want to be, how can you achieve success? What do you want to be?